12.Almost There

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Rosie's POV at 17 years old:  NOT EDITED

4 more weeks. Just 4. I cannot deal with this, it's so hard. Especially when you have two little babies growing inside you.

The doctor said that the due date is now December 9th. It's at the end of November right now and I'm just glad that we're almost there.

I've been looking into the name some more, and me and Oliver decided on two names.

These names are so so cute and since there's two babies I named one and Oliver named one.

It's hard to believe it's already been 9 months, we painted the nursery a sage green color.

My mom has been really helpful to this, I mean my 18th birthday is coming up and Oliver already decided what he's going to get me he just told me he didn't actually tell me what he's going to get because it would ruin the surprise but... I'm so impatient.

A fact about me is that I don't like to wait for things like this pregnancy I don't like to wait to meet my children.

I get questions all the time by my friends and strangers that I meet, they ask if my mom is supportive or if his mom and dad are supportive.

I never really told anybody what happened to my dad, he just kind of left.

Apparently he got another girl pregnant and he didn't even say goodbye to anybody he just disappeared.

But I'm actually glad that he did because he never really cared about me, all the time he'll be talking about his new wife Caitlin.

I stalk him on social media y'all like Instagram, tiktok, and Snapchat. I've been getting some weird weird boys stuff come across my page.

And that's just what I call it, I'm talking about they send me really dirty stuff. They send me pictures of their penises and just them not doing some good stuff to people.

So I'm taking a break from Snapchat right now but hopefully it'll get better.

Obviously I didn't tell Oliver because he would get mad and just want me to delete the app of boys keep sending me that he doesn't like to see me get hit on by other boys, because I I don't sexually love anybody else but Oliver.

And Oliver doesn't sexually love anybody else but me. People ask us if we have sex during pregnancy, they said it's supposed to induce labor, but we did do it two times.

My mom gave me the talk and I'm traumatized for life. Like tell me that before I got pregnant.

But anyway today I'm going to just chill out sit on the couch eat chips watch TV just have a chill day I don't know what Oliver's doing probably painting the nursery again.

The paint that we got takes at least five coats. And you know I'm not about to spend like 3 hours painting some walls I'm not lazy it's just it's hard.

But me and Oliver decided that during my last couple weeks of pregnancy I'm just going to chill I'm not going to do anything big but if I am past my due date or if the babies want to get out earlier we are going to have sex to induce it.

My Cravings have got a lot better though but I have gotten swollen boobs swollen feet swollen ankles my face is swollen.

But it's actually going better though surprisingly. My favorite time of year is Christmas so when we have to decorate for Christmas you already know I'm about to be spending a lot.

Oliver has a job he makes $50 an hour cuz he works for one of my family members that is rich, and I work halftime jobs.

I'm a chef for one of my rich family members also, I make $50 an hour again and me and Oliver both work 8 hours.

So if you don't want to do the math we each earn $400 a day but we don't spend it we usually go out on Monday Wednesdays Fridays and sometimes Saturdays.

We were going to decorate on November 1st cuz everybody knows Christmas starts in November 1st well actually that's not true it starts in July because Christmas in July.. duh.

But I'm too pregnant to do anything and that's my excuse for everything yes.

So if somebody asked me to pick up something off the floor hell no I'm not doing that. Pregnancy has changed my attitude my mood actually how I look.

I had the clearest skin ever my boobs are big that's a plus for Oliver. I'm due in 11 days.

Right now I'm watching vampire diaries on season 7 episode 16. Danm.

I accidentally fell asleep with popcorn sitting on my stomach, Oliver took a picture and said it's the sexiest I've ever looked, thats definitely not true.

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