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Mia's chest tightened as Charlotte's arms wrapped around her, the comfort strangely familiar. It was the way her father used to hold her when she was a child, a protective embrace that made her feel safe. The memory of his strong arms and the warmth of his presence flooded her mind, making her heart ache.

She missed him so much, and the realization that she would never feel that kind of security again made her panic even more. She felt instantly safe when she was in Charlottes arms but the grief of his absence mingled with the terror of her past, creating a storm inside her that she couldn't control. Until one day he left suddenly. 

She always wondered why he left, for years she has been searching far and long but always coming to a dead end. The unanswered questions ate away at her.

''Amelia? Mia? Are you okay?'' Charlottes voice quietly echoed from next to her, stroking her hair. She had gotten lost in the thoughts from her past, forgetting where she was. Her hands slightly trembling and breathing rapidly but soon slowed down when she realised that what she needed was right next to her, holding onto her. ''Amelia, I promise it will be okay, ill hold you in my heart forever, even if I'm ever gone physically''


Amelia woke up in the walls of her lilac bedroom walls. It was a seemingly normal Tuesday morning, the sun was shining through her blinds and she could see the trees dancing with the wind as she opened them. She had this day off school planned for a while meaning she just wanted to relax. Faintly, she heard the sobs of her mother and the frustration building up as she stomped on the ground. Mia was confused as her mother had never shown any feelings aloud, as if she was all bottled up. 

She carefully left her bedroom confused as why her father did not wake her up. Everything hit her, the clothes scattered across the living room floor, the broken pieces of a vase; her parents had fought again. As she went to go comfort her mother, a folded piece of paper with her name on in red sharpie caught her eye, which was stuck to the kitchen bench. Mia had never realised to that moment that she never let her emotions escape. Her hands shakily began to unfold the paper and tears began to spiral down her face as her mind raced through the words scribbled down on it.

There it wrote:

"Amelia, my princess, this is for the better so please do not try and find me. I want you to grow up and become the person you were always supposed to be. Don't let this stop you." The final words of it stuck with her. ''ill hold you in my heart forever, even if I'm ever gone physically''


But he didn't keep his promise, he had gone and he didn't hold his Princess Amelia in his heart. He always called her his little princess, even if he didn't remain her king. He left without an ounce of intention to look back.

As Mia was regaining focus of where she was, she collapsed against Charlotte drenching her with her tears. Charlotte held her ''Its okay, let it out. Take all the time you need, I'm here for you'' Mia tried to reply through her sobs ''No, no its not that. its just...'' She stopped as she sat up. ''I'm sorry, I need some time alone. Please don't follow me sweetheart, ill be back in a minute.'' 

She stood up and walked away, Charlotte watched as she disappeared into the distance, respecting her wishes. 10 minutes went by and Charlotte began to bite at her nails with anxiety as she awaited Mia's return, but she didn't return. 

Where had she gone now, was she going to be okay this time?


me and ace wrote this together, I am not the only one to blame for this chapter.

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