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Once they got home, Charlotte suggested they make dinner together. Mia nodded, still feeling a bit down, but appreciating the distraction. They moved around the kitchen, preparing a simple meal. The familiar routine of chopping vegetables and stirring pots brought a sense of normalcy that Mia desperately needed. The rhythmic motions and the smell of cooking food helped to ground her, even if it was only for a little while.

As they worked, Charlotte started talking about her day, sharing small but funny stories from the nursery. Mia listened, occasionally smiling or chuckling, finding comfort in Charlotte's gentle voice. The kitchen was filled with the sounds of their quiet conversation, the clinking of utensils, and the sizzling of food. It was a peaceful moment, the opposite the the chaos circling in the back of Mia's mind.

Once the meal was ready, they set the table and sat down to eat. The food was simple but delicious, and Mia found herself relaxing a bit more with each bite. They talked about their plans for the weekend, discussing a potential movie night or even just a walk. These small plans gave Mia something to look forward to, a tiny light in the darkness she was feeling.

As they ate, Mia's mind continued to wander back to her dad and the trauma she had endured. Charlotte noticed the change in her demeanour and reached across the table to hold her hand. "I'm here, Mia," she said softly. "Remember that." This made Mia feel reassured and calmed her down. The warmth of Charlotte's hand was a small but powerful reminder that she wasn't alone in her struggles.

After dinner, they settled on the sofa, cuddling up together. Charlotte's presence was a balm to Mia's troubled mind. She felt a bit better, wrapped in the warmth of the space they shared together. They talked about their plans for the next day, laughing about small things, trying to keep the mood light. The simple act of sharing their thoughts and dreams brought a sense of closeness and comfort.

They decided to watch a movie, something light-hearted to lift their spirits. As the movie played, Mia found herself getting lost in the story, momentarily forgetting her worries. Charlotte's laughter at the funny scenes was infectious, and Mia couldn't help but join in. It was a brief escape, but it was enough to help Mia feel a bit more like herself.

Eventually, they decided to head to bed, knowing they had work in the morning. As they lay down, Mia felt a sense of unease creeping in. She tried to push it away, focusing on Charlotte's steady breathing beside her. Charlotte held Mia close, providing silent comfort.

Just as they both fell asleep, something happened. Mia's heart started racing, her breath coming in short gasps. The familiar grip of panic began to take hold, but this time, it was stronger, more overwhelming.


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