Chapter 005

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Tanaka says, “Can you stop squirming?” Yotsuba blushes, “S-sorry…” She snuggles a bit more to be more comfortable with her eyes wide open. She says in her mind, “Man… he looks so cute up close.” 

As she stares into his sleeping face, Tanaka's eyes suddenly open and she immediately closes hers in a panic. Tanaka utters, “Yotsuba.” Yotsuba slowly opens one of her eyes, pretending to be half asleep. She says, “Y-yeah?” He says, “Your legs…” Yotsuba then glances at her legs which are wrapped tightly around him.

Yotsuba quickly releases him and says, “S-sorry!” Tanaka sighs, “It's fine. It's morning anyway. We can continue now.” They stand up as Tanaka dusts his body, who is still shirtless. While Yotsuba helps him from behind. She can't help but blush as she brushes his muscular back.

Tanaka says, “Thanks.” Yotsuba then begins dusting herself as Tanaka pats her back. She's still wearing her sports bra while he's still completely shirtless. As he helps her clear out the dust, Tanaka notices the scar on her body. He remembers as to why she got it. It was during the sports festival when Yotsuba got into an accident. He was able to catch small glimpses of it but always got embarrassed when staring at her body. 

Yotsuba notices him staring and says, “Oh, you're looking over my scar? It still hasn't healed yet, sadly.” Tanaka says, “I know. Still can't forgive that douchebag who's done it.” Yotsuba giggles, “You don't have to worry about it, Tanaka-san. It was just an accident after all.” Tanaka says, “It was all done with intention. I can't let someone I cared for hurt just like that.” Yotsuba blushes and tries to pretend she didn't hear his remark.

The two then make their leave out of their shelter. Tanaka squints his eyes to see clearly as he notices something from afar. Yotsuba notices it too and says, “N-no way… aren't zombies weak to the sun?” Tanaka says, “I don't think it’s a zombie.”

Yotsuba squints her eyes as she notices a familiar face. She exclaims, “IT'S FUTABA-CHAN! OVER HERE!” Tanaka stops her for a moment and says, “There's someone on her back.” Yotsuba says, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go get them!” The two run their way towards them as they notice something strange. 

They see Futaba sobbing with her eyes all red. She suddenly collapses on the ground with an unconscious Kunimi on her back. Yotsuba yells, “FUTABA-CHAN!” 

1 Hour Ago….


Futaba immediately jolts up as she hears something. The two are sheltering at a gas station. It was the most secure spot they could find and it even had a small bed to sleep on. 


Futaba flinches because of that sudden noise. Kunimi notices her getting up as the two are sleeping right next to each other. He says, “Futaba? You okay?” 


She hears it again and says anxiously, “K-kunimi… I hear something barging in…” Kunimi goes back to sleep and says, “Futaba—


Kunimi opens his eyes as he hears it too, but this time is louder. He gets up and whispers, “Shh… stay quiet.” Futaba nods and hides behind him. Kunimi cautiously peeks out of the room.

Futaba whispers, “Is everything okay?” Kunimi glances back at her and puts his index finger on his lips. Futaba gets what he's indicating and silences herself.

Kunimi peeks back again and sees one of the barricades broken down. He mumbles, “How the hell did they break in?” Futaba notices he's troubled. She pats him on the shoulder to get his attention as Kunimi glances back at her.

Suddenly, a zombie bumps on the door. Futaba lets out a shriek as Kunimi quickly covers her mouth to shut her off. They try their best to keep the noise to a minimum as the zombie keeps banging on the door. The undead must’ve noticed the two are inside. 

Tears dribble from Futaba's eyes and she whispers, “S-Sorry…” Kunimi whispers back, “I'll get us out of here.” He gently wipes her tears off as Futaba nods. Kunimi grabs the weapon he prepared in case this kind of situation happens.

He darts towards the exit door and says, “Listen, I need you ready yourself to run. Got it?” Futaba nods as Kunimi carefully opens the door. Just by hearing the door cracking open, two zombies quickly run at them. Kunimi is quick to bash their heads off. He yells, “Let’s go! Now!” 

Kunimi and Futaba sprint away, attracting a horde of zombies from behind. They don't know where to run. All they could do was run wherever they ended up. Futaba begins to feel exhausted. She can't keep up with Kunimi's athletic skills.

Futaba desperately tries her best to catch up with him, but as time goes on, she finally collapses. Kunimi glances back and quickly whacks the three zombies approaching. He says, “You okay, Futaba?” Futaba tries to stand up, but her legs are refusing. She sniffles, “I-I'm sorry… I can't do it anymore…” Kunimi turns around and says, “Get on my back.”

Futaba says, “B-but—” Kunimi interrupts, “JUST GET ON MY BACK, FUTABA!” She quickly gets on his back and heads off. Kunimi tries to keep his breathing steady as Futaba notices some zombies running directly at them. Kunimi smirks and easily decimates them in the head.

Kunimi can't help but feel the adrenaline running within him and continues sprinting. He yells, “COME ON, YOU BASTARDS! LET’S DANCE!” Futaba curls a small smile at the thought of them surviving with Kunimi's excitement. He keeps bashing every zombie who gets in their way. 

Futaba notices the sunrise from afar and says, “Kunimi, the sun!” He glances directly to see the light. Suddenly, his footing messes up as they tumble on the ground. The fall had a massive impact on them as they're covered with bruises. Kunimi slowly loses consciousness, trying to fight to stay awake. The horde of zombies is nearly approaching. Futaba quickly crawls over to Kunimi.

She exclaims, “Kunimi? Kunimi! Get up! They're coming!” He tries to stand up but he's too tired. His head begins to bleed because of the fall they took. Futaba then grabs the weapon and is ready to fight the incoming horde of zombies

Futaba whacks every zombie who tries to jump on her. She may be clumsy at hitting them, but she manages to kill some. 

Futaba soon feels exhausted after that whole fight. She mumbles, “F-fight more… Need to fight more!” A zombie crawls its way towards the unconscious Kunimi as Futaba yells—


To be continued…

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