Chapter 18: Abhinav's Nightmare

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As usual, Abhinav and Akshara carried out their duties as parents of the twins. The day had been like any other, with the twins completing their homework and going to bed on time. However, something felt different tonight.

As the tiredness began to overwhelm them, Akshara noticed that Abhinav was not ready to go to bed. Concerned, she approached him and was taken aback by what she saw. Abhinav was trembling and covered in sweat. She tried her best to wake him up, but her efforts proved futile.

Feeling helpless, Akshara turned to her faith and prayed to her beloved Krishna. She pleaded for him to make Abhinav better, to wake him from this distressing state. The sight of Abhinav in such a condition broke her heart. Although she didn't have romantic feelings for him, she cared deeply for him as a friend. She couldn't bear to see him suffer.

Akshara yearned to understand the truth behind Abhinav's nightmares, but no matter how hard she tried, she always fell short. Yet, she refused to give up. She drew strength from Abhinav himself, who had taught her the value of perseverance. And so, she resolved to continue her quest to uncover the secrets that plagued him, determined to alleviate his pain.

With unwavering determination, Akshara embarked on a journey to unravel the mysteries that haunted Abhinav's mind. She knew that she had to be his rock, his pillar of support. Together, they would face the darkness that lurked within, and she would stand by him every step of the way.

Little did they know that this journey would test their bond and resilience like never before. It would challenge their love, friendship, and commitment to each other. But with Akshara's unwavering support and Abhinav's unwavering strength, they would overcome any obstacle that stood in their path.

As the night wore on, Akshara held Abhinav's trembling hand, silently vowing to be his anchor in the storm. She knew that their love and determination would guide them through the darkest of nightmares, and together, they would find solace and peace.

And so, the night continued, with Akshara and Abhinav facing their fears head-on, ready to conquer the demons that plagued their lives.

As the night wore on, Abhinav found himself locked in a relentless battle to stay awake, ensnared by the clutches of a harrowing nightmare. His eyes struggled to remain open, heavy with the weight of sleep, while his mind wrestled with the haunting images that played out within the depths of his subconscious. Tremors coursed through his body, as if he were engaged in a desperate struggle with an unseen adversary in the realm of his dreams. Akshara, his watchful companion, grew increasingly anxious, her worry mounting with each passing moment. She shook him with a fervor that bordered on desperation, determined to rouse him from the grip of his troubled slumber. But no matter how vigorously she shook him, Abhinav remained trapped in the labyrinth of his own mind, oblivious to her efforts.

Silent tears fell from Akshara's eyes as she witnessed Abhinav's restless state, his body appearing almost suspended between wakefulness and a deep, unsettling coma. She clung to the hope that her actions would somehow penetrate the layers of his subconscious, bringing him back to the safety of consciousness. And then, amidst the stillness of the room, Akshara heard Abhinav's voice, a fragile whisper carried on the winds of his sleep. He murmured words that betrayed a profound sense of guilt and despair, as if burdened by the weight of his own perceived failures. "Believe me, Diu," he pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. "I didn't do it. I was merely fulfilling my duty as a DCP. I tried my utmost to save our beloved parents, but my efforts proved futile. I am aware that I have been a better DCP than a son, and if only I could turn back the hands of time, I would rectify every misstep. But alas, such power eludes me. Please, I implore you, do not lay blame upon my weary shoulders. As long as breath fills my lungs, our parents remain alive within my heart. I beseech you, try to comprehend the depths of my anguish."

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