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I miss the way you started hating every Roses on this planet just because a guy gifted me roses once upon a time..I miss the way you described your hatred towards every single boys who flirted with me.I miss the way you shared your soul with me..The way you stole my heart and you acted like it was all yours since i was born.The way you reluctant on me just because i said i didn't miss you today.Every single thing about you remains the same to me..Also "YOU"..

Always was a miracle to me still remains as a miracle.
(17.04.2024,wed 7:14am)

As i finished writing on my notepad i heard a knock on my door and i knew who the person is but still i choose to ask just because i wanted to overcome the pain inside me while writing on my notepad..

" Ah! It's you..i was wondering who is knocking at this hour on a sunny morning. "
"No,it's just i was out for a walk then i just wanted to see you so yeah that's why"----he hesitated a bit, i don't know why and i hugged him a while to make him feel (i Don't know what)..
"Hiba,Will you come tonight? It's just a little gathering.All of my friends wants to see you.." he's talking like he already knows my answer still wants to pick me up by making some cute faces..
"Humain, you already know that i hate gatherings..just let me be alone.i enjoy myself being alone..and i'm sorry i can't be like you guys.i'm sorry i'm like a burden to you. I'm sorry that i still can't breathe easily. I cry over things that happened to me years ago.I cry over imagining things that's not gonna happen at least not in this planet.."
And suddenly i'm shaking,i'm anxious, i'm desperate. And suddenly i can't remember anything.

Solidly Yours!		| Urmi PatwaryWhere stories live. Discover now