-Chapter One-

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My eyes winged open slowly as I sat up, I turned to look at a calendar to see if I had anything planned today, and my eyes shot open completely.

I'm gonna be late to the contest, crap crap crap. I quickly jumped out of bed, rushing to get ready.

I straightened out my auburn-brown that were littered with red streaks, and just decided to wear a plain white shirt, a black hoodie, and some simple beige jeans.

I stared at the mirror for a few moments, my surprisingly green eyes still adjusting to the bright light ever so briefly.

I sighed, then speed-walked towards my bow and quiver, picking it up and slinging the bow over my shoulder with my quiver attached to my side.

(What the bow and arrows look like if you're curious)

(What the bow and arrows look like if you're curious)

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(Not my images)

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(Not my images)

I bounded out and away from my room, as I'm doing that, I made sure I tightened my blue bracelet on my right wrist- just to be safe.

I walk down the steps and towards the door, putting my jet black boots on. "Alpine, where are you off to now with that weapon of yours?" My mom called from the kitchen.

"Contest. Trip to Camp Cretaceous at Isla Nublar if I win, remember mom?" I yelled back, my foot tapping on the ground impatiently.

"Just don't shoot anyone!" She said more quietly, but still loud enough for me to hear.

"That was a one time thing.." I grumbled, rolling my eyes irritably.

"What was that?" My mom poked her head around the corner, a brow raised.

I flinched. "I said 'I got it mom'." I innocently grinned with a wave, then, opened the door. "I'll let you know if I win!" And with that, I was walking along the sidewalk. My hair got buffeted briefly by the slight breeze, yet I payed it no mind as I did other people, who couldn't relate and had to stare in my general direction.

No Matter What (A JWCC Fanfic: Camp Cretaceous X OC)Where stories live. Discover now