-Chapter Six-

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Everything was still ringing as I slowly regained my consciousness, the others seemed to be recovering already, but I had hit my head rather hard from the crash. Thankfully, there was just a few minor bruises and nothing severe.

Whiteout was wailing, trying to wake me up. I winced as I got up, shaking my head.

"... You okay, Al..?" Brooklynn asked, her voice was still laced with anger and she was definitely ready to blow.

"Yeah, I'll be a-okay." I gave a thumbs up. Brooklynn just nodded in response.

"Is everyone okay?" Darius eventually asked, and I couldn't help but scoff.

"Is everyone..?" Yasmina chuckled angrily, storming out of the van after she pried the door open.

"Yaz, wait!" Sammy called after her, rushing out to follow Yasmina.

"Does this look okay to you?" I snapped. "Then why would you ask that?" I yelled after Darius shook his head.

I staggered upright, my legs still felt rather weak but I would have to manage. "Al, are you sure you're okay?" Brooklynn put a hand on my shoulder in case she needed to help. I was rather surprised Brooklynn was at least attempting to put aside the anger just to make sure I was alright.

I nodded. "Told you, I'm all good." I grinned weakly.

Brooklynn sighed. "You don't look 'all good', but hey, you're Alpine." She clambered off and out of the van, and I watched her do so.

I followed her, but a bit slower. I walked over to stand beside Brooklynn, who was now radiating with the anger she had tried to suppress only moments earlier.

Yasmina and Sammy were in the middle of an argument.

"Clearly we're not okay!" Yasmina hissed, her fists balled up. She definitely should be left alone, at least for the time being.

"Yaz-" Sammy tried, and right now, I wish Sammy would just.. be quiet.. so we could all have even just a few minutes to process this.

"We're in the middle of a jungle with a monster dinosaur out there," Yasmina waved her hand around the jungle that surrounded us, trying to get the point across. "And you.." She whipped around, venom lacing her tone. "You.."

"Destroyed our only way to get help and lied about it!" Brooklynn crossed her arms.

"And none of you even seemed to consider believing Brooklynn, me and her were the only ones who actually saw through it!" I snapped, eyes narrowing slightly into a brief scowl as I went on. "If you had just told us the truth from the start, Sammy, you wouldn't have dug yourself deeper! I warned you." Whiteout stood between me and Brooklynn, snarling at Sammy- but it was so fricken cute! I would have awed at it if I wasn't so busy dealing with more conflicts.

"I told you guys!" Brooklynn glared dangerously, she probably wanted to punch Sammy in the face right now. And I'll admit it, I know I wanted to.

"So, you did take Brooklynn's phone?" Darius stood up from where he was leaning on the now broken-down van. "Why? What were you doing?" He walked over to stand beside Brooklynn.

Brooklynn scoffed. "Probably trying to erase my videos of her taking those samples from the Sinoceratops." I glared even more after Brooklynn said that, even though she had already informed me of it.

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