II. conflict

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"why are you saying that?", i asked with confused tone.

"i feel like our relationship doesn't have that spark anymore.", jaewook said seriously.

"i don't feel like that. this can't be a reason. a day before, we were doing all the lovebirds things and now you're saying that there's no spark?", i instantly got annoyed.

jaewook realized that i was getting irritated. he sighed and said,"you know seojin right?"

"the one who hated me in high school?"

"yeah", he replied calmly.


"actually i hooked up with seojin. i know i did wro-".

before he could finish the sentence i took the tiramisu cake and throw at him.

i could hear people gasping. i felt the anger was rising up. i took a moment and told him,"i didn't expect this from you, lee jaewook."

i grabbed tissues from the holder and gave him on his hand. i said, holding my emotions,"at least clean the mess you made."

saying that, i stormed out of the cafe.

wooseok's pov:

after the classes, i was waiting for someone outside the cafe. hearing some noises there, i looked at it. my eyes got caught on someone familiar.

i saw that the guy was in mess cause the girl threw desert on his face. i realized in a sec,"must be breaking up".

i was standing on the other side of the road. then i saw that girl storming out of that place. "that girl from the bus.",he thought.

suddenly i heard sounds of heels and looked at that person.

"annyeong", she said with a classy vibes.

i recognised her as she always do that. i still asked,"are you seojin? geonhee told me to meet her."

"yes i am"

i watched her expression changed when i mentioned geonhee. as she didn't know that i know geonhee.

"he asked me to tell you he is not gonna meet you and stop talking to him. i know he's handsome but just stop.", i told her strictly, gesturing a stop sign.

seojin scoffed,"nobody can reject me. just wait and watch."

"actually I don't have time.",i replied savagely, leaving her standing like dumbfounded. i could feel that she was glaring.

i quickly called geonhee and said,"brother, you're free. now you can fly high!"

he replied,"yah, looks like you're feeling the happiest in this. i don't really know what would happen now"

"nothing will happen. you're worrying too much"

"nah you know how seojin is like. she would be taking revenge of not liking her."

"yeah i know her but we did what we had to do. so for now,take a chill pill and meet me at the campus. ok?"

he agreed and cut the call. i started to head towards the destination.

jung y/n's pov:

tears were pouring out of my eyes. all of the efforts i did were in vain. i couldn't even expect anything in future. i was wiping my eyes so much that it got swollen.

it was already afternoon. so i called eunsaem and told her not to wait for me.

"did something happen?", she asked in concern.

i tried to stable my voice and said,"yeah many things happened. i will tell you later."

eunsaem knew that i have always said everything to her even after i say "i need time". so she was quick enough to understand.

she replied,"geurae arasseo. go home carefully and call me later".

i hummed and cut the call.

i took some deep breaths and started to rethink about that situation. i was pretty much away from the place. but somehow i thought to myself,"maybe i overreacted. i should have had a peaceful breakup. should i apologise?".

without thinking for a sec, i began to walk towards that namu cafe expecting him to be there.

but i didn't have to go that far cause he was already near the pc cafe near the way of that cafe.

TIRAMISU CAKE. || byeon wooseok Where stories live. Discover now