III. break

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i could recognize jaewook from far. but i only saw his back.

as soon as i saw him with two people, i started to walk towards him. when i got near him i heard him speaking about me. he was talking with his friends.

he didn't notice me so, for that moment i quickly hide in the alley. i saw that someone was there. i covered his mouth and gestured him to stay quiet.

maybe i should not have eavesdropped by then.
but it was too late.

"i really thought you would never break up bro"

"yah who wouldn't have broke up after hooking up with seojin? hahah"

"nah y/n was too good for me. it was my fault"

"don't be a cry baby. we all know who is the happiest one right now. stop this sh*t"

jaewook could have stop them talking ill about me. but for a moment he was not even caring, he went to club with his friends.

i asked myself,"why didn't I see this coming?". i could feel tears are forming in my eyes. i bowed in sorry to the person in the alley and left the place.

i was wiping my tears throughout the way to my home. i didn't take bus that time. so it was already late.

arrived home

"mom, i came"

"it's so late. where were you? come and eat already.",mom said worriedly.

i hummed in response and went to my bedroom to change my clothes. after freshen up, i ate quietly without uttering a word.

mom noticed it and said,"if anything is bothering you, you can come and talk to me okay?". i just nodded and didn't say anything.

without saying much i went to my bedroom. feeling so gloomy that i brought out the photos we had during our high school. i thought,"why didn't I see this coming? is it my fault?"

with the overthinking in my head, i didn't get to sleep for enough.

next morning arrives

"i can't believe my first day was like this. i can't even expect anything good coming in future.", saying to eunsaem.

she tried to comfort me. we went to the class. after the classes done, we both got message to go to the amphitheatre as there was something to be announced by the seniors. for that reason, we kind of forgot about the break up session. with excited souls, we went there.

we saw a banner on stage and it was saying "all majors' union retreat".
(it's a event where senior-junior interaction happens)

after ksat exam, all the students wait for this event. we were no exceptions. everyone who present there were like us.

we heard a mic-testing and our heads turned to that direction.

"as you can see, this event is the most awaited one for all the final year high school students. all majors' union retreat. like always, after 15 days from this day, it will be held in the hillside of the city. so all the freshers get ready to participate in the event. also before you leave, take the event form at the exit gate. thank you".

we all applauded in joy.

"maybe it will help me to move on. what a timing,"i thought.

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