Chapter 4 : Moth To A Flame

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Meher woke up with a heavy heart, the weight of her guilt crushing her. She couldn't shake off the feeling that she had wronged Vikram in some way.She judged him too quickly . As she finally got out off bed,Meher knew she had to make things right.She needed to talk to Vikram,to apologize.


Meher's photo splashed across the front page of the newspaper, her name etched in bold headlines: "Meher Shergill cracks another case!" the police station buzzed with congratulations and pats on the back.

But Meher's mind was elsewhere, her thoughts still stuck on Vikram .As ADG Sir approached her desk, a wide smile on his face, Meher's gaze remained fixed on her notes, her expression blank. "Meher! Congratulations My Dear ! You're on a roll!"

Meher's response was a mere nod, her eyes avoiding ADG's enthusiastic gaze. She couldn't bring herself to celebrate, her heart still heavy with the weight of her actions.

ADG's smile faltered, his eyes narrowing with concern. "Meher, what's wrong Beta? You're not yourself today."

Meher's silence was her only response, her thoughts trapped in a prison of self-doubt and remorse. The contrast between her professional success and personal turmoil was stark, and she couldn't bridge the gap between the two.

Meher sidestepped ADG's concern with a curt "We still have Diksha's case to solve Sir . I'm thinking about that" and plunged into her work, her mind still preoccupied with Vikram's face and her own regret.


Vikram's fingers strummed the guitar strings, the melody echoing through the whole restaurent. Binod watched him with concern, noticing the sorrow in his eyes.

"Hey, Vicky what's wrong?" Binod asked, his voice gentle. "You've been quiet all day. Did something happen?"

Vikram's gaze drifted away, his voice barely above a whisper. "Nothing, Binod. Just a tough day, that's all."

Binod's eyes narrowed, sensing there was more to it. But Vikram's expression remained closed off, his secrets locked behind a mask of sadness.


It's evening . After duty Meher swiftly changes her clothes, her mind racing with a mix of emotions.she knew she had to face Vikram & apologize for her sudden departure the day before.

His singing had a profound effect on her, piercing her very soul like he could see into the depth of her being even if he is blind . It was as he had a direct line to her innermost fears, the ones she tried hard to keep hidden. Yet,she is drawn to him . She is willing to risk being consumed by his music once again .

With a deep breath, Meher steeled herself and made her way to Vikram's restaurant.


As Meher entered the restaurant, her eyes were immediately drawn to the stage where Vikram was singing alone on the stage. His soulful voice filled the room, but Meher's attention was caught by the hint of sadness on his face. She felt a pang of concern and wondered if it had anything to do with her.

Meher thought to herself: "Is he sad because of me? Becoz of my departure or I'm just overthinking?." But the seed of doubt had been planted, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that Vikram's sadness was somehow connected to her.

Meher's inner dialogue continued: "If he's even slightly upset because of me, I'll apologize to him. I don't want to be the reason for his sadness." She felt a surge of empathy and understanding, and her heart went out to Vikram.

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