Part 1

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Taylor's hand trembles as she picks up the white stick from the counter and pulls it into her eye-line. A million thoughts rush through her mind as she lays her eyes on the two prominent pink lines. Thoughts and emotions overwhelm her to the point that she just stands still in the silence, not a muscle moving.

Suddenly, the bathroom door swings open and Travis stops in his tracks as he enters the room, "Sorry baby, the door was unlocked i didn't realise you were in here" he explains.

Taylor doesn't move.

"Tay? What are you doing?" Travis asks, clearly confused as to why his fiancee is stood silent and motionless in front of the bathroom counter.

Taylor doesn't say anything but instead, just turns her body towards Travis, neutral expression on her face as she lifts the pregnancy test out in front of her allowing him to see it. Travis' jaw drops "Holy shit!" is the first thing to come out of his mouth, quickly followed up with "Is that? Are you?" Taylor nods in response.

Travis wipes his hand across his mouth in disbelief. He quickly reads Taylor's expression and walks towards her, pulling her into his chest, the positive test falling to the floor. Neither of them know how long they remained in the embrace.

Eventually, they make their way into their bedroom, perching on the edge of the bed next to each other.

"How do you feel about this?" Travis breaks the silence, wrapping an arm around Taylor's back, thumb rubbing her hip softly.

"If i'm completely honest, I have no idea." she takes a deep breath before continuing, "Part of me feels this warm joy in my heart, whilst the other part of me is just terrified." Travis holds her tighter, "Terrified that i might not be able to give a child a normal life. That my life is planned two years in advance, i mean, they're already coming to me with potential next tour dates. Not to mention the fact i've still got another US leg of the eras tour after i'm done with the Europe one. There's just so much to think about."

"Everything you're feeling is valid, Tay, i don't think either of us expected this." Taylor rests her head on his shoulder, "But, that doesn't mean we couldn't do this if you want to, we can make it work and no matter what, i love you and i'm not going anywhere."

"It's just a scary thing." Taylor explains, "You know i want to be a mom, we've talked about it, i just never expected it to be right now, while there's so much attention on us. I just worry that we won't be able to protect a child from the constant paparazzi and news stories."

"I know, i worry about that too." Travis empathises, "We don't have to make any decisions right now, let it sink in, we can talk about it more another day if you want?"

"I'm going to have to warn Tree, just in case this gets out." Taylor exhales and stands up to get her phone. Travis follows, clamping his hands around hers holding the phone, "Let's have dinner first, before we do anything."

Taylor paces around the dining room while Travis is in the kitchen, preparing dinner. Her mind is still racing but through all the noise, there is one thing she's sure of. Making her way into the kitchen, she stands just inside the doorway causing Travis to look over.

"I want to have this baby." Taylor confirms, hands clammy with nerves.

Travis drops the spatula he's using, and walks over to pull Taylor into a hug, kissing the side of her head.

"We'll be ok, Tay" he whispers in her ear, combing his fingers through her hair, "We can do this"


The next morning, Taylor manages to get an appointment with her ob/gyn.

Lying on the bed with her legs covered by an itchy blanket and her hand tightly intertwined with Travis', her doctor explains what'll happen with the ultrasound.

Travis leans down to kiss her forehead and brush her hair out of her face as the ultrasound begins, Taylor wincing. Almost immediately, the image of a tiny blob appears on the screen in front of them and Travis squeezes Taylor's hand.

"So, this little thing right here" the ob points to the screen, "That is your baby"

Without realising, soft smiles appear on both of their faces as they watch in wonder.

"I'm estimating that you're about 5 or 6 weeks along but dating will be more accurate when you have your next scan" the doctor puts away her equipment and hands Taylor a roll of paper before telling them she'll leave them to it.

Taylor sits up, swinging her legs to the side so they dangle off the bed, still holding onto Travis' hand. She looks down at what she was given, unrolling it before taking in the closer images of the baby she was carrying. Her eyes begin to well up as she looks up at Travis, smiling and hands him the images. Just for a moment, all her fears disappeared.


Back at home, the couple are cuddled on the couch, Taylor leaning back against Travis.

"I'm gonna have to call Tree, she needs to know" Taylor sighs, "Especially since i'm in the middle of a tour and have so many eyes on me"

Travis hands Taylor her phone from the coffee table beside them. Taylor clicks call on Tree's contact immediately, not allowing herself the time to back out.

The phone rings a few times before she picks up, "Hey girl, how's it going?"

"Yeah, ok. Uhm, can we talk?" Taylor asks, "Sure? What's wrong?"

"Are you alone?" Taylor knows she's being weird but it's a bit of an odd situation to be in, "Yeah. Tay, what is going on?"

"I'm pregnant" Taylor rips off the bandaid straight away. Silence on the other end of the phone lingers for what feels like forever.

"Oh, Taylor! Congratulations!" Tree finally says, a softness in her voice.

"Thank you!" Taylor exhales, "I know there will be a lot to figure out but i just wanted to let you know, in case anything gets out"

"We can figure it out, don't stress, i know you" Tree laughs, "How far along are you?"

"We literally just found out yesterday, about 5 or 6 weeks" Taylor can't help the small smile creeping onto her face "We don't want to tell anyone yet but you never know what story people might spin"

"Don't worry about it, that's what i'm here for" Tree is always a voice of reason for Taylor, "We'll figure out the tour details tomorrow, the next show isn't for another 5 days, just take some time to relax, i'll call you tomorrow, ok?"


"Congratulations again, Tay, i'm beyond happy for you" Taylor's smile grows, "Thank you!"

Putting the phone back on the coffee table, Taylor leans back into Travis.

"She said we'll figure out the tour stuff tomorrow but she's happy for us" she explains, "told you, there was nothing to be worried about"

Travis kisses the top of Taylor's head as she closes her eyes, feeling content.

After turning on the tv and putting on their favourite show to watch together, friends, Travis finds his hand sliding underneath Taylor's shirt and resting over her belly, smiles appearing on both of their faces.

They both know they're in for a wild ride, but right now, in this moment, it's just them and their perfect little bubble of happiness.


I saw a tiktok that inspired me to write something... i don't know how many parts this will be but probably not loads.

Hope you enjoy!

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