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𝐌𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟏𝐭𝐡

I stood on the steps of the apartment where Mikey told me Delon was staying and shook my head

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I stood on the steps of the apartment where Mikey told me Delon was staying and shook my head. You could call me crazy but I needed to know why he was out for a week and hadn't seen his son.

Placing my phone into my purse I rang the bell and waited for him to answer. I could hear his footsteps in the distance before the front door opened and there he stood. He was dressed in a white wife beater that showcased all his tattoos and a pair of black sweatpants.

The smug look on my face dropped when I noticed he looked completely different from the last time I saw him. Six years was a long ass time and he looked so much more mature and grower but he still wasn't shit in my eyes.

"What's up, Katrina?" He said thrown off that I was standing at his door. His eyes were red and low like I just woke him out of his sleep, much like Zion looked in the morning.

"When did you get out?"

"A couple of days ago, I was finna get in contact with you but I had some shit to handle first." He said looking me up and down as he licked his lips.

"Come inside." He moved from the doorframe and I reluctantly went inside the house.

"This is nice," I mumbled setting my purse down on his marbled counter and looking around at my surroundings.

"Mmm, what you here for?"

"What do you mean? I'm trying to figure out why out and haven't seen your son or even called." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I was gonna call soon. What you in a rush for cause a week ago you were telling me to get the fuck off your phone?" He laughed like something was funny.

"We have things to talk about like coparenting."

"Coparenting?" He ran his hand over his face as he continued to look me up and down.

I was trying my best to ignore him because I knew how much my body had grown and matured. I wasn't the scrawny twenty-year-old I was six years ago and he knew that too. I would be looking me up and down too after six years.

"Yeah, coparenting and that's it."

"That's what you want?" He mumbled as he backed me into the corner between him and the counter.

I could smell the cologne on him as he leaned down and began to kiss my neck. I felt his hands travel down my sides before I was lifted onto the counter.

"No panties?" He mumbled as he lifted my dress and ran his hands over my bare ass, squeezing it.


"What?" He asked as he continued to kiss down my neck and feel over my body. It had been such a long time since I'd been touched in this way and my body was craving touch but I knew better than this.

"Stop." I shook my head and pushed him away as he stared down at me with a confused look on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not doing that with you. That's not what I came over here for." I pulled my dress down and jumped down from the counter.

"Just let me eat it." He mumbled.

"No, it was a mistake coming over here this late and it won't happen again. Give me your number so we can discuss Zion."  I took my phone out of the clutch.

I watched as he licked his lips and just stared at me with lust. I knew it was a mistake even letting him touch on me like that but it all happened too fast. I was thinking with my emotions and not my head.

"You look good for real. This ain't the body I remember before I left." He said while rubbing his hands together.

"What's your number?" I ignored him and looked down at my phone again.

It was no secret that after I had Zion my body filled in completely. My boobs went up a size or two and I grew a nice ass thanks to the gym that matched the small hips I already had. I was appreciative of my grown woman body and how good it looked. It wasn't a lot but it was more than I ever had.

He stared at me a little longer before taking my phone and putting his number in. I saved his name under Zion's Dad and grabbed my purse off the counter.

"We'll talk."

"Yeah, we will." He bit his bottom lip, watching me as I walked out the front door of his house.


"Hey, Mommy," I said to my mother the next morning as I walked into her house. After leaving Delon's house I took myself right home and to sleep. Even when I woke up I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that he was out.

"Hey, sweetie. He's asleep on the couch." She pointed towards Zion who was dressed in his Spider-Man pajamas.

Nodding my head I instantly made my way over to where he was laid out on the couch and picked him up in my arms, leaning down to kiss all over his face.

"Morning Z."  I smiled as I held him in my arms.

"Mommy!" He smiled sleepily trying to wake himself up as he wrapped his tiny arms around my neck and snuggled into me.

"I missed you. Were you good for Nana?"

"You know he was. I already bathed him I just didn't change him into his clothes yet. I didn't know you were coming so early." She said as she flipped a pancake on the stove.

"I know, just some stuff came up and last night was kinda crazy. I'll fill you in on it later."

After getting Zion dressed and letting him eat his pancakes we left my mother's house. Even though it was my day off I still had to stop by the salon and make sure everything was going well.

I owned one of the biggest hair salons in my state, KatzKuts. Not only did I do women's hair but there was an extended barbershop connected as well. I styled both men's and women's hair and I was equally talented when it came to both. People traveled from all over just to get their hair done in my salon because my team was that good.

"Awe, you brought the baby." Alma, one of my older stylists smiled as we walked into the salon.

"Say hi, Z." I tapped his arm and he waved at her shyly while holding onto my hand.

"He's so cute and tall. I can't believe he's only gonna be seven and he already has all this height." Kiana cooed as she braided her client's hair down.

"I know, he's a tall boy." I rubbed my hand over his braided hair as he smiled at all the attention he was getting.

After checking everyone's stations and making sure Jae, my assistant manager had everything he needed to close we made our way home. I pulled up to a red light and saw my phone light up in the cup holder. It was a message from Delon saying he wanted to see Zion and asking when we could arrange that.

I was more than willing to let him see Zion and build that relationship with him but there were things we needed to talk about first.

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