Chapter 1: King Mickey's plan, shipwreck

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In the throne room, everyone except Sora, is with the king and queen. They look at them as they bow down to them. So far, everything they've tried to do for Sora is not working. King Mickey and Queen Minnie look at them with sad looks on their faces. But then, the king gets an idea as the heroes talk to him.

Kairi: King Mickey, I'm worried about Sora. 

Mickey: I know. The only solution is that you have to help him regain his spirit and confidence. You need him, and I know Sora would want you to help him. 

Yuu: I agree. But how are we gonna do that?

Mickey: I'm trying to think of something. You might need to go to another world, and then help him regain it. If the world's in trouble, this might be the chance to help him. 

The heroes all look at each other, and they nod at that. They all bow to them, and they walk out to go get Sora. Mickey sighs at this. He hopes that this will help Sora and the heroes out. Later, the heroes are now back on the gummi ship, looking for a new world. Sora is in his seat, looking down. He's still feeling down, and full of guilt. Kairi walks to him. 

Kairi: Hey. How are you?

Sora: (Sighs) Still the same. I'm okay though. 

Kairi: Well, maybe the world we'll find can help you get back your spirit. 

Sora: Kairi, I don't want to get my hopes up. Maleficent's been after my heart ever since I first got the Keyblade and she's not stopping until she strips me of all my light and my powers. And she'll also be killing many more others. I'm a failure. 

Kairi: Sora, you're not a failure. You never were, and you'll never will be. You're a hero. You're not weak, and you'll never let us down. Because you'll always save people, no matter what. 

He looks at her, and makes a smile. She smiles back, and hugs him. He hugs her back. The heroes all look at him, and they smile too. They all give him a group hug. They're gonna help him, no matter what. Just then, they're coming up to another world. Donald sees this, and walks back to the pilot seat. He controls the ship, and he flies down. Everyone gets on their seats. They buckle up. But just then, as they enter the world, they're suddenly in a storm. The ship shakes from the wind and rain.

Donald: What the?

Goofy: Where are we?

Donald: (Looks at the map monitor) We're over the Pacific. And we're South of Tokyo. 

Kai: (Looks at the monitor) Wait. Guys, we're over the Dragon's Triangle. 

Sora: Dragon's Triangle? 

Momo: It's the Pacific's Bermuda Triangle. But the people in Japan call it, Devil's Sea. 

Ruby: Is...that bad?

Yuu: The Devil's Sea is considered a paranormal location! But no one knows for sure. 

Namine: Can we get through it?

Miki: I don't think so! Any ships or planes going in it are never seen again! 

Then, the ship shakes more, making everyone gasp in shock. Donald and Goofy try to keep control of the ship, trying to fight the winds. 

Kairi: Sora, the ship can't hold out! What's happening?

Sora: I don't know! Donald, get us out of here now!

Donald: I'm trying, but the winds are too strong! 

Then, lightning strikes the left wing, damaging it. The ship then starts going down. Everyone screams. 

Winter: Oh, my gosh! We're going down!

The ship goes down into the storm, and then, it comes towards land. Everyone sees this. 

Jaune: Guys, we're gonna crash!

Sora: Hold on!

Everyone is screaming as they hold on and brace themselves. The ship comes down fast, and then, it hits land, slides through sand, and comes to a stop, next to a cliff. But as it stops, Sora is suddenly thrown out of his seat, and heads for the window. He crashes through it.

Kairi: SORA!!

Sora is screaming as he falls out of the ship, and down the cliff. But it's only a short fall. He lands on the ground, and becomes unconscious. In the Castle of Dark Illusions, the villains see this as they watch this. 

Invader: Looks like those blasted heroes are trying to help Sora gain back his confidence and spirit. Well, they won't get them back that easily. I'll go down there and stop them.

Maleficent: (Stops him) You fools! Don't you realize that they've just entered the Dragon's Triangle?

Doma: She's right. It's one of the most mysterious places in all worlds. People go in, but they never come out. 

Pete: Then those wimps are gone forever. 

Maleficent: Let's just watch, just to make sure. 

They all continue watching. Back on the world, Sora is still on the ground, laying on the sand. Then, he suddenly wakes up with a gasp. He groans, and clutches his head. He looks around as the rain continues pouring down. He sees he's on a beach. He looks around, and he spots the others, on a hill. They're down on the beach, looking for Sora. 

Kairi: Sora! Sora!

Riku: Sora!

Ruby: Sora, where are you?!

Penny: Guys, I can't scan him anywhere! The coldness from the rain is blocking his heat signature!

Sora: (Calls out) Kairi! Riku! I'm here! I'm down here!

He stands up, and looks around. He sees there's a lot of things everywhere. Like old buildings or something. But before he could go to his friends, someone attacks him from behind, and knocks him out. Everything goes black.

Here's the first chapter of Kingdom Hearts: Tomb Raider (2013). Looks like King Mickey sent the heroes to go to another world to help Sora regain his spirit and confidence. They come to a world, but entered a storm. They discovered that they're flying over the Dragon's Triangle. Their wing gets damaged, and they crash land on land. Sora gets thrown off the ship, and is knocked out by someone. What has happened to Sora, and where did the heroes end up in the Triangle? Find out on the next chapter, for Sora is gonna meet a new friend. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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