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Authors Note: Hey guys, it's Jenna I will be writing the first chapter. This story will be our 7th grade school year. It mean seem boring at first but you know, all storys need to start of somewhere, eh?

Jay's POV


I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm ringing. Groaning, I rolled over and turned to shut it off. It was the first day of 7th grade. Great. I didn't hate school but I was definitely not fond of it. I sat up and flicked on my bedroom light. I looked into the mirror and started brushing my blonde hair. 

"Jay" My mother screamed. "Jay, let's go." Sighing ran down the stairs, grabbing my bag with me. It was a short ride to school. We arrived in the all to familiar parking lot. "Bye Mom." I said jumping out of the car. I walked through the glass doors and breathed in the sweet scent of awkward teenagers. 

I looked around the halls till I saw my besfriend, Qween. "Hey girl!" I smiled and gave her a hug. "Where is Maggie?" I asked her, looking around. It was weird. Maggie was usally always the first person there. It was weird to ever have her show up late. 

"I really don't know. I tried texting her, but she hasn't replied." Her red hair whisked around her face as she pulled out her phone. 

"Anyways," She breathed, "Let's go sit down in the bleachers, I think I see Logan and Martin." She grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards them before I could say anything.

"Hey guys!" Qween chirpped. Logan and Martin looked towards us and smiled. "Hey girls, what's new?" Martin replied. Logan just smiled, he wasn't one for talking. 

"Oh, nothing much, just waiting for Maggie." Qween pulled out her phone to check for a text from our missing friend, with no luck.

"Any cute boys you see?" I questioned. Qween was a flirter, but she had good taste in guys.

"Yeah, look, green shirt down there." She pointed downwards toward a boy with a loud, emerald green shirt, the matched his hazel eyes perfectly. 

"He is pretty cute, but don't point!" I slapped her hand down, only to get looks from the kids sitting around us. Whoops, I didn't mean to say that loud. '

"If you would excuse us, we are leaving this girly conversation." Logan stated as he and Martin got up and took of for a group of boys that had just walked into the gym. 

"Good you weren't welcome anyways!" Qween screamed, only to draw more attention form the crowd. I sat there laughing as Logan flipped her off from behind. 

"Anyways," I began still laughing, "Ready for the school year?" She sighed and began, "No, I swear, if we don't have lunch together I will scream!" I felt my stomache turn, What if I don't classes with any of my friends? I pushed the thought away, I don't need to worry about it, I will.

"I know right? I hope we have B lunch, A lunch is filled with a bunch of little annoying kids."

"Tell me about it." She whispered, pulling out her phone, checking her texts. I see her get flustered. "Where the HELL is Maggie?"

I sighed, "You keep asking me that Qween, I don't know!" I pulled the phone from her hands, "She will be here soon, don't worry about it."

"She better be here soon." I sighed, clearly annoyed.

How do you like it so far? I know it is very slow right now but just wait, we have alot of drama in store for you guys! -JennaRosex3

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