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sorry about the late update. Jenna doesn't know I'm updating so she will get a suprise. If you guys wanna talk to me my kik is mollylemke cause I'm always up for a good chat. Once again sorry I haven't updated. Dueces!


Maggie's POV

After me and Liam left the cafeteria we just chatted it up. I really liked him as a friend and as of now, nothing more. We decided to walk back to the cafeteria. I sat down at the table with him, next to Qween, but something was wrong.

"Where is Jay?" I asked. The anger was very present in her face.

"While you were out being a little slut with Mr. Perfect here Crystal made a fool out of her infront of the whole cafeteria. Why you you care though? You care more about your social status then your true friends right?" She spat. In all honesty her words hurt. I felt sadness well in my chest, then anger. All of it directed towards one person. I shot up and tromped of to where the "Populars" sat. They were all talking about some girl who was probably a ten times better person then them.

"Omg hey Maggs!" Crystal said pretending to be excited by my presence.

"You little two face BITCH! How could you be so cruel. Don't ever talk to me, or my friends again. I have never met someone so UTTERLY DISGUSTING!" I was shouting and she didn't look fazed by one word I said.

"Listen up you ugly cow. You want me to ruin your whole life? I can do that with three words." She spat. Me and Crystal were really good friends once so I knew the one topic that could actually offend her and thats what I was looking to do. Everyone was watching and I couldn't wait to see her face when the whole cafeteria sees me embarrass her.

"Crystal, you can make everyone feel bad and be a total jerk, but guess what? That won't bring mommy back." I spat. She looked offended and the whole room filled with ooohs and laughing. Crystal stood up and back handed me across the face. I instantly felt my face and realized she hit me so hard I was bleeding. I whimpered and suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked around to see Liam.

"Come on. Let's clean that up." He said. He shot Crystal a glare. We walked to the bathroom. We had one unisex restroom so he walked me in there. I felt my emotions get the best of me. This was the most eventful first day I have ever had. I let out a small whimper and began sobbing.

"Why is she so cruel?" I asked. Liam patted my back.

"Just avoid her okay?" He said. I nodded and he wiped the blood from my face. We walked to the gym and went to Jay who was sitting with a boy who looked very similar to Liam.

"Oh my god Maggie what happedned?" She yelled. I shrugged.

"Well Qween spazzed out because I wasn't there to defend you so I made a fool out of Crystal infront of the whole cafeteria and she kinda back handed me." I said. Jay gave me a hug.

"Thanks love." She said.

"What did you do to her?" She asked

"I umm told her being a bitch wouldn't bring her mommy back." I said. Jay nearly pissed herself. She knew about Crystals mom leaving her. Once we all calmed down the bell rang. The rest of the day was uneventful. Qween was still pretty mad, but I knew it would blow over.  I got home and texted Jay.

To Jay: I know it's a ways away, but are you still having your big halloween party?


From Jay: Yeah! Are you excited?!?!?!

Jayyy :)

To Jay: Omg Yes!!!! I hope me and Liam stay friends! I would totally go with him!


From Jay: Friends! He totally likes you!

Jayyy :)

To Jay: Yeah well you and Joel hit it off


I texted her till dinner. I was nervous because I didn't want them to see my bruise. My excuse was getting hit in the face with a softball in gym. I'm glad she used the back of her hand so it didn't leave a handprint. I went and sat down and almost instantly they asked.

"What happened to your face?" My mother gasped.

"I got hit in the face with a softball during gym today." I lied. I was a great liar. She nodded and we finished dinner. I went to get dressed for soccer. We had a new team this year and I was nervous. I was on a rec team so it was unisex. We were pretty good, but whatever. I hopped in the car and put my headphones in. Wings by Little Mix came on. I loved them so much! I was getting pumped. We finally pulled up to the field. I saw a familiar face. It was Liam. The team was already huddled. I heard one sentence and almost screamed.

"I'm Coach Johnson and Liam is my son."

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