The Heirs of the Dragon: Part III

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[Throne room, Red Keep]

Daemon had just returned from Essos that morning, and with barely anyone noticing him it seemed since neither his brother nor Otto Hightower had sent anyone to fetch him. He found himself in the throne room to see how long he could go before his brother knew about his return.

He always preferred the room empty and without an army of schmoozing lords, ladies, and knights. Daemon also found the Iron Throne to be more agreeable without lit torches in the room and only natural lighting touched it. So much so he made his way up the steps and sat on the chair.

He found himself lounging about for quite some time, imagining himself as king and barking out orders. Receiving messages from the houses of the realm, asking for aid in quelling a rebellion, or begging him for unions through marriage. He had rather liked the idea but dreaded the thought of what it would take for him to get there.

His train of thought is interrupted as someone opens the doors to the throne room. At the end of the hall, Princess Rhaenyra walks in followed by her sworn shield, Ser Harrold Westerling.

Harrold: Gods be good.

Rharnyra: It's all right, ser.

Harrold steps back and stands guard in the open doorway. Rhaenyra crosses her hands behind her back and approaches the throne while smirking.

Rhaenyra: (High Valyrian) What do you think you're doing, uncle?

Daemon: (High Valyrian) Sitting. This could well be my chair one day.

Rhaenyra: (High Valyrian) Not if you're executed for treason. You haven't come to court in an age.

Daemon: Aye... (High Valyrian) Court is so dreadfully boring.

Rhaenyra: (High Valyrian) Then why come back at all?

Daemon sits up, resting one arm on the throne and grabbing the hilt of Darksister with the other. Rhaenyra stops at the edge of the stairs leading to the throne.

Daemon: (High Valyrian) I heard your father was hosting a tournament in my honor.

Rhaenyra: (High Valyrian) The tournament is for his heir.

Daemon: (High Valyrian) Just as I said.

Rhaenyra: (High Valyrian) His new heir.

Daemon stands and approaches Rhaenyra.

Daemon: (High Valyrian) Until your mother brings forth a son, you are all cursed with me.

Rhaenyra: (High Valyrian) Then I shall hope for a brother.

Rhaenyra takes a step back Nd Daemon stops in front of her. They both smirk at each other.

Daemon: Did anything interesting happen while I was away?

Rhaenyra: Just today, Malcolm declared he had a vague vision about a king that might or might not be in the near future. He then hit the table, said his wife might be pregnant, and left.

Daemon: That sounds like him. But I shall have to see him later about his wife being pregnant, I had thought she had just given birth to their 7th child.

Rhaenyra: 11th child.

Daemon: Let me guess, the children take after their father and Princess Lana still looks the same as she did before her first child.

Rhaenyra chuckles.

Rhaenyra: They do seem more Pyralus than Hightower, except little Anders. Though I dare say Princess Lana grows more beautiful with each child. 

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