Little Miss Sweetheart

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Look pretty but not too pretty
Be noticed but don't seek attention
Be smart but don't be a know it all
Love yourself but don't be narcissist
Phrases I find all too familiar
Burned into my memory after the countless times I've heard them
Be everything I want you to be and never what you want to be
Do you know how hard it is to be someone you're not
Dainty yet tough
Smart yet charmingly helpless
Constantly looking in the mirror and cursing heaven and hell because you have no idea who is staring back at you
Fix this
Change that
I liked you better before
Crushing pressure
Sky high standards so far up in the clouds you can't really see how high they go
A porcelain doll
A puppet on your strings
Never good enough
Always feeling your bullets pierce my skin
Crack the flesh
Breaking my cool and collected exterior
Angel face with a crack
Dragged to hell for my failures
Constantly keeping up appearances
Putting on a smile
A good show
An Oscar winning performance
Smiling for the camera
Little Miss Sweetheart
She's kind and gentle
Always polite never rude
Perfectly bewitching smile placed perfectly on her unblemished skin
Deep blue eyes looking ever so happy and warm
Posture pulled into a straight line
You wouldn't find a fault looking at her
She's fake
From her interested laughter
To her edited personality
She never appears sad unless you really pay attention but anyone rarely does
Her eyes are really full of longing
Desperate for some form of acceptance real care
And yet despite her beauty and grace below the surface insecurities thrive in her tortured mind
Her heart cries and begs for mercy
Her bodies tired and broken
Everyday a repeat of the last
A cycle of misery that never seems to end
So close yet so out of reach
Endless glistening tears decorate her tired pale face
Sick with distress
Like being trapped in a body that isn't really yours
Commanded by someone else
You can scream all you want on the inside no one will ever hear you
Or even notice the pained look in your ocean deep eyes
All the money in the world couldn't make me pretty enough for you
And I'm saddened that it took me this long to realise that it was you who was never good enough for me
You wanted someone to control
Not to love
And someday someone else will love me just for me
And not some damaged broken ripped apart and pieced back together how you want version of me
And then you'll be the one who's crying
Not Little Miss Sweetheart

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