Love is a labyrinth

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Love is a labyrinth
And I'm lost in it
Do you miss me
Do you want me
Are we even wandering the same twisted hallways
I'm searching
And running around looking for your halo in every heavenly beam of daylight
A glimpse of your angel wings
Looking for the familiar warmth I feel when I'm around you
I understand your hesitation
I've not been perfectly honest like you deserve
I've hidden things from you
My horns in my hair
My sharp nails in delicate lace gloves
My serpent tongue behind sweet nothings
I claimed to be a gentle saint and hid my darkest evils for my own selfish reasons
Because I wanted you
And you weren't mine to have
You were pure
Intricate and exquisite
Hopeful even
I was altruistic and desperate to be seen for once
And there you were
Offering everything like it was so simple
Like trust could just be given
And pain was nonexistent
Like love wasn't complicated and the tortured villain actually got a happy ending
But this was the real world
Where trust is rare
Pain is the only feeling
And the villain is exactly as stated tortured
Beyond repair and redemption
Not that I was ever really looking for redemption
Why would God's favourite troublemaker ever want to change
That was until you
Hurt is an endless cycle
It's hard to break
When it's all you know every beautiful and precious thing in the world is a lie
A fraudulent joke
Sick and twisted
To be honest for once
I was scared
You saw all my flaws and you didn't look away
You see it's easier to hurt someone if you don't relate to them
If you decide sympathy and empathy are foreign concepts
I was like that until you
I thought everyone was out to get each other
It always seemed like it
It's why people enjoy violence
It makes them feel good
But without that aren't we all just empty and miserable self loathing creatures
Writing our own tragic downfalls on tear stained pages filled with pathetic sorrow and woe
We never had to feel if we just opened our eyes and looked around
And I mean really looked
Deeper than the surface
And saw that each day we are slowly bleeding out and no one is even trying to stop it
But you
Your this force this light
And I will never be good enough for you
Not when you are the reason the stars shine and the sun can be bothered to rise
But for the rest of my tortured heavenly existence
I will be by your side My Dearest Angel
Right until you enter those pearly white gates in a magnificent flood of light
And I meet my fiery grave for my sins
But I will always adore you
My love
Thank you for finding me
I was so lost without you

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