Friendly Valentines

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Author's note:

Hey so i just wanted to say that i have no clue if Brinley and Magnus ever met during OoO S3


It was valentines day at camp Oasis and love was in the air! Those who had partners were on dates and such, those who didn't have partners were simply hanging by the themselves, one of those people was a jackal named Magnus

Magnus was never interested in stuff such as romance and relationships, they thought those type of things were boring, so during days such as this they would normally just walk around the camp

Magnus had a habit of maladaptive daydreaming when going on their walks, they were thinking of something when they accidentally bumped into a certain child of Aphrodite

Magnus- " I am terribly sorry! Are you okay ma'am? " They asked with concern in their voice while holding out a hand

Brinley- " Oh I'm alright don't worry" She assured taking Magnus' outstretched hand

Magnus- " Hey, you're Brinley right? Bryan's younger sister? " They asked once they got a better look at Brinley

Brinley- " Yup, you're Magnus, right? "

Magnus- " Correct"

An awkward silence befell them until Magnus spoke up

Magnus- " So uh.... Who are you spending Valentine's day with? " They asked since they were genuinely curious

Brinley- " I don't have anyone to spend it with..... I actually don't have a partner... " She said while rubbing her arm

Magnus- " Really? I never thought that a child of Aphrodite would spend valentines alone"

Brinley- " Ironic isn't it? Well to be honest it's sorta because i prefer to not be in a relationship, i prefer more platonic relationships with people "

Magnus- " It's okay, me too to be honest "

Brinley- " Oh by the way, Bryan is going to host a valentines party at his mansion later, you should come! Even if you don't have a date, i mean i don't have one either and I'm still coming! "

Magnus- " I suppose coming won't hurt anybody, besides i have nothing to do, when is it? "

Brinley- " Oh it's going to start at 4:30 PM and end at 9:00 PM sharp, there are going to be a lot of activities to do so people won't get bored, in fact i actually came up with some of them! "

Magnus- " Okay then, is there a dress code of some sort? "

Brinley- " Well technically you can wear whatever you want but it would be nicer if maybe you could wear something more fancy"

Magnus- " Alright then Brinley, thank you for telling me about the party, I'll be sure to come, oh and sorry again about making you fall"

Brinley- " It's alright Magnus, i forgive you, anyways i should get going now, i was actually on my way to tell Kaiba about the party, bye Magnus! "

Magnus- " Bye Brinley! "

Magnus watched as Brinley walked off to Kaiba's palace while having a smile on their face, they then decided to go try to find an outfit to wear for the party

Time skip to when Magnus arrives at the party

Magnus had finally arrived at the Aphrodite mansion, they look around to try and find someone they know and eventually they spot Xylo talking with Nad

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