Phone Call to London ( trash)

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   Xylo finally found the phone Cal gave him and dialed his number. Cal answered and Xylo let out a breath of relief, " Cal? Cal! Cal I need you! You have to come back! Please, help me! " Xylo said in a panicked tone as he looked back and saw it again, the creature. Cal sighed " Xylo I live in London, I can't help you" Then Xylo finally remembered


" You didn't pick up. It went to voice mail"

" Right"

" What do I do, Cal? "

" Nothing, what's done is done"

Tears started to form in his eyes

" Well..... Could I at least stay on the phone with you? "

" Of course you can"

Then Xylo started to calm down and breathed out

" How was your day? "

" Good"

" Really? "

" Yeah.. "

" My day was good"


Me deciding to write this after watching that one scene from Bojack Horseman:

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