What happened?

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The first part is the actual accident, then it goes into Rydel's point of view
-------------------------------------------The rain grew more intense by the second. Riker glances to his right, Rydel is fast asleep in the passenger seat. Her blanket brought up to her face.

Riker squints, trying to see the road lines. "I should pull over" he thinks.
But then lightning flashes, and he can't see for a minute. He blinks a few times. When he re-focuses on the road in front of him, another flash lights up the sky and he looses control.

He turns the wheel every which way, trying to regain control of the vehicle. But there's too much rain on the road.

The car turns to the right, spins twice, hits the road barrier, flips over, then finally comes to a skidding stop 20 feet from where it started.

Neither Riker, or Rydel move inside the totaled car
Everything is spinning and blurry. Not to mention upside down.

"What happened?" I wonder. I look to my left, and see the worst sight I can think of. Riker is suspended upside down by his seatbelt.

"Wait, seatbelt.. Oh god, we were in an accident!!" I realize. Panicking, I look through the shattered windshield. Blue and red lights shine bright, and sirens whale.

To my right, someone says 'Ma'm? Can you hear me?'

I look over real quick. That sends pain through out my body. I bite my lip and nod.

The voice belongs to a women, a paramedic I'm guessing.

She asks 'Can you tell me your names?'

I take a deep breath 'I'm Rydel-' I nod a little towards Riker 'That's Riker. He's my big brother. Please help him!' I start crying.

The lady reaches into the car 'Hey, hey. It's okay, you both are going to be alright. Try not to move for me Rydel. I'll be right back okay?'

'Uh huh..' She disappears out of my sight. I know she said not to move, but I want to check on Riker. He hasn't moved or said anything.
'Riker..' I croak. There's no response. "Please be okay. Please be okay.." I repeat in my head.
The paramedic returns to my side of the car with a few firemen.

She leans down 'Now Rydel, I'm gonna put this sheet over you while they get the door open okay?'
'Mmhm' She slides her head into the car and drapes the sheet over me. Before she does, I read her name tag-Johanna.

'Its going to be really loud for a minute or two!' she yells as a motor starts. I swear it was at least 10 minutes before the door popped off. Johanna removed the sheet and wrapped a brace around my neck. Two firemen held my shoulders as Johanna unclipped my seatbelt.

That's when the pain set in for real. It became hard to keep my eyes open.

I mumbled 'hel-lp rik-k-er..' Johanna placed an oxygen mask on my face

'Hey Rydel, keep talkin to me. Don't worry, your brother is gonna be fine. We're working on getting him out right now' I nod as much as the neck brace would let me.

They slide a board behind me and Johanna says 'Rydel, were gonna bring you to your right and get you out, ready?'

I wanted to say 'yes', but I'm too sleepy. I can hear in Johanna's voice, that's she's getting worried

'Rydel? Okay let's move her! On 3.. 1, 2, 3!'

In one swift motion, they put me on my side, pull me out of the car, and start carrying me to an ambulance most likely.

'riker..' I mumbled one more time

HIATUS-Hospitalized (Riker Lynch/Rikdel/Rikvannah/Rydellington/Rikoss/Rourtney)Where stories live. Discover now