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Stormie's point of view, then Ross's
Mark calls the boys into the living room.

'What's up?' Rocky asks entering the room behind Ellington, Ross, and Ryland.

I wipe a tear away- Ryland notices 'Ma? What's wrong?' He sits on the couch next to me, and puts his arm around me.

'Sit down boys..' I say.

They glance at each other, but sit down on the other couch with Mark.

I begin 'I just got off the phone with a paramedic..-' Ross's face goes pale.
'-She told me that... that Riker and Rydel were in a car accident..-' Ross leans into Rocky

'Are they okay?!' Ell asks.

Mark looks at me 'They both are in surgery. Their doctor said she'll be okay-'

I cut in 'But they don't know about Riker-r-r..' I loose myself. The sobs are loud and constant.

Mark stands up 'C'mon, everybody in the van. We need to go to the hospital'

Ryland helps me outside. In a hurry, we all are in the van, and Mark is speeding down the streets
The drive to the hospital was quick. When we arrived, I was already running to the entrance before the van was completely stopped.

Behind me, Ryland, Rocky, Ellington, ma, and dad ran to catch up. I burst through the doors, out of breath slightly. A few people looked at me. Then everyone else bursts through the door.

To the left, I see a woman poke her head out of a room. Her eyes widen when she sees us, then she quickly makes her way in our direction.

'Are you Stormie?' she asks when she is directly in front of us.

Ma says 'Yes. This is Mark, Rocky, Ross, Ryland, and Ellington' She points to us all.

The girl raises her eyebrows 'Are you all related?'

'Yes' I say before Ellington has the chance to say other wise. They won't let him in their rooms if he's not family.

As the girl introduces herself as Johanna Lynn, I glance at Ell-he mouths 'thank you'.

I pay attention to what she's saying when she says Rydel. 'Rydel is out of surgery and resting in her room. Riker however-' My stomach flops. '-is still in surgery. They've had some complications.'

Ellington shuffles his feet 'Can we see Rydel?'

Johanna nods 'Follow me..'

We follow her down the hall to the elevators. All seven of us cram into the space and go up to the 4th floor. It dings, the doors separate, and we file out behind Johanna.

The hallway is dark except for some light coming out of a room at the end of the hall. Johanna leads us to that room.

She peaks through the little window in the door 'She's awake'.

I "attack" the door and walk to the occupied bed.

Rydel looks up 'Ross! Guys!!' Ellington pushes past me. He leans over Rydel and kisses her.

'Are you okay?' he asks when they part.

'Im good Ell..'

I hadn't realized I'd walked to the side of the bed, until Rydel grabs my hand and gently pulls me down. We all take turns hugging her, then Johanna explains her situation

'Rydel has some cracked ribs, a mild concussion, and her right leg is broken. Her doctor will give you some more details when he's done with Rikers surgery.' She turns to leave the room.

I notice another bed in the room 'Uh Johanna.. Is that going to be Rikers bed?' She nods then shuts the door behind her.

'What happened!?' Ryland asks, breaking the awkward silence.

'I don't know, honestly. I was asleep before it happened. We'll have to ask Riker when he gets in here and wakes up.'------------------------------------------
About 2hours later, around 3 in the morning, I'm woken up from my semi peaceful sleep when a light shines on my face. I open my eyes to see doctors wheeling Riker in.

I don't want to say anything, so I watch in silence as they transfer him to the bed and fiddle with some machines.

After they leave, I get up from the hard chair I've been sleeping in, and go to his bedside. He looks awful.

His left leg has a blue cast on it, his shoulder is all wrapped up, and there's a patch above his eye. I can also see that his stomach is wrapped just like his shoulder is.

But the worst part, is the two tubes coming out of his mouth.

'my god, Riker..' I whisper to myself.

I jump when Rydel sniffles. I turn around and see her looking at Riker

HIATUS-Hospitalized (Riker Lynch/Rikdel/Rikvannah/Rydellington/Rikoss/Rourtney)Where stories live. Discover now