Alone Time

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Rydel's point of view
When they had brought Riker into the room, it woke me up. I stayed still, not wanting to wake up anyone else.

When the doctors left, Ross got up and walked over to his bed. He was in the way of me seeing Riker.

I heard him mumble something, then he moved over just enough so that I could see my big brother...breathing tubes too. Tears sprung to my eyes, and I sniffled because I have to be strong for the boys.

But Ross heard me and turns around 'Delly..' he says, also starting to cry.

'Come ere.. It's okay Ross' I say, half smiling. He lunges at me and I hug him really tight.

He whispers in my ear 'Is he gonna die Del?'

I stare at Riker over his shoulder 'I-I don't know..' I let him go and slide over. I pat the space next to me. He chuckles softly, but still climbs onto my bed.

We pull the blanket up to our shoulders. 'Ellington won't mind will he?' he asks.

'Ross, you're my brother!' I answer kind of sarcastically. He laughs and I punch his shoulder playfully.

I close my eyes 'Just be careful of my leg alright?' I mumble, already falling back to sleep.

'Uh huh..' he says, starting to yawn. I open my eyes, Ross has his eyes closed.

Trying not to move to quick, I push myself up, so that I can see over his head. I stare at Riker. The tears are back, and this time, I don't stop them.

'please, please, please, wake up..' I whisper.

Ross starts snoring slightly. I should sleep too, but I just want to watch Riker in case anything happens.

But before long, my eyelids droop, and I'm asleep again---------------------------
'No don't, they look peaceful' I hear ma say. Curious, I open one eye halfway.

Everyone is staring at me and Ross sleeping in my bed. Ryland is holding his phone up

'Don't you dare Ry..' I say smiling.

'Del! You're awake!' Ellington says to my left. I open both my eyes completely and look at him. He smiles.

'Sweetie.. You're doctor is here' Ma says. I didn't even notice that she'd walked to the door. Hell, I didn't even hear the doctor knock!

He walks in 'Morning Rydel! How do you feel this morning?'

I roll onto my back 'Good I guess. My leg does hurt a little though'

My doctor pulls a bottle out of his pocket and hands it to mom 'These are your pain killers. Only take them if your leg or ribs are really bothering you'

I nod.

Then ma asks 'Doctor, how's Riker?'

He looks over at him with a sad look on his face 'I'm afraid Riker is in a coma, and we don't know when, or if he'll wake up-' Ma leans into dad's shoulder, crying. '-His shoulder is dislocated, his left leg is broken in two places, and he had major internal bleeding...'

I look at dad- he's looking at our doctor with tears in his eyes.

The doctor continues 'Riker might also trouble seeing out of his right eye due to the contact his forehead made during the accident-'

'Is that all?' ma chokes out.

Our doctor sighs 'I'm afraid not.. Also due to the force of hitting his head, there is swelling in his brain.. We'll have to see if that goes down..'

There's a really long awkward pause. Everyone glances at each other, too much in shock to say anything.

Then dad says 'We'll let you know if anything occurs..'

Our doctor nods 'Yes, please do so.. I'll be back later to check on him' With that, he leaves the room.

'What time is it?' I ask, trying to steer the conversation to a different topic.

Rocky looks at his phone 'About nine-thirty'

Ross moves in his sleep and knees my leg 'AAHH! Ross I'm going to hurt you!'

My yelling causes him to jolt up 'What's wrong!?'

I look at him with my fists clenched 'Get out of my bed.. please..'

Ross looks at me confused but slides off the bed. Ma hands me a pain killer

'thank you..' I quickly say, swallowing the pill to dull the pain.

I reposition myself into a more comfortable spot

'You guys should go home. I'm pretty sure those chairs weren't that comfy'

'Oh, we'll be fine dear' Ma replies.

I study the boy's faces. They all have dark circles under their eyes.

I look at dad 'I think they would like to go home. Why don't you ask for their opinion?'

Rocky speaks up 'Yeah, I've got a kink in my neck from sleeping in that chair all night'

Ross adds 'I don't know about you, but I miss my bed at home'

Mom sighs 'I suppose. Mark, take them out to the van will you?'

They file out of the room, leaving only me, mom, and Riker.

Ma looks at me concerned and places her hand on my ankle 'Will you be okay by yourself Del? I nod.

'Ill be fine mom, really. Go get some good sleep' I reassure her

She slowly walks to the door 'Okay, but if anything happens, get a hold of any of us some how!' I nod again.

Ma smiles weakly, then exits our room. Before she shuts the door, she yawns

"No wonder you gave in so easily" I think

When I can't see her in the window anymore, I swing my legs off the bed. My injured leg bounces around and I bite my lip. I glance at the door- all clear. I push myself off the bed and hop to the chair in between mine and Rikers beds.

'hey Rike..' I whisper. 'I know you can't hear me.. But listen, you gotta wake up. You have to! We need you in our lives! Rocky, Ross, Ryland, mom, dad.. me.. You're the best friend and big brother any could ever want.. Riker..' I break down. I grab his cold, limp hand and ball my eyes out.

I'm pretty sure I cried for a good ten minutes. By the time I finished, there was a wet spot on Riker's blanket. I didn't feel like leaving him yet, so I put my head on the side of his bed and close my eyes.

'goodnight Riker..'

HIATUS-Hospitalized (Riker Lynch/Rikdel/Rikvannah/Rydellington/Rikoss/Rourtney)Where stories live. Discover now