I Dont Remember

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[@Youll_never_know_me asked for an update]

*They help me sit up 'How do you feel Riker?' my doctor, I'm guessing, asks

I look to my left, Rydel is staring at me. I smile

'I'm better now' I say, still looking at my beautiful baby sister*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rydels point of view~~

After about ten minutes of questions like 'What do you remember?' and 'How's the pain?', Rikers doctor finally left our room. Johanna lingered near the door for a little bit after, but I gave her a semi pleading look. She understood and exited the dim room

As soon as the door clicked shut, I hopped out of my bed, biting my lip trying to ignore the throbbing in my leg, and leaned on Rikers bed

'I'm so glad you woke up!' I say, a tear falling as I hug him

Riker rubs my back 'Me too Del. Me too'

I slowly release him. I look at his face 'How many siblings do you have?' I ask curious if he remembers all of us

Riker chuckles 'Four. Three brothers and one sister. I'm the oldest, then you, then Rocky, Ross, and Ryland'

'Mom and dad?'

'Stormie and Mark' he replies cheesily

I give him a smirk but continue 'How bout your job? Well its not really a job, but yeah'

'Bass player slash lead singer in the band R5' Riker says, air guitaring


Riker raises his eyebrow confused 'I have a girlfriend?'

"oh shit, this could end badly" I think

'You don't remember your girlfriend Rike?' I ask, panicking slightly

Riker nods "crap"

'Well, her name is Savannah-' I start

'Savannah!? Isn't that Rylands girl?' Riker cuts in

I shake my head 'Ryland is dating Savannah Hudson. Your girlfriend is Savannah Latimer. But everyone calls her Vanni. Got it?'

He nods a little

I go on 'She loves yoga and dancing. Her mom, dad, and older sister Chelsea went to Italy when she was younger. She has an anchor tattoo on the top of her wrist. Michelle, her mom, is a dance teacher. Vanni also teaches yoga. Shes like four years younger than you. She e...' I trail off when Riker bursts out laughing

'What's so funny?' I ask after the laughing dies down

'I don't remember anything you've said!' he says

I move away from his bed 'How is that funny Riker?! Vanni loves you, and you think its hilarious that you don't remember her! I wish you were still in a coma!' I yell angrily

Riker looks at me shocked. I cover my mouth and sit on my bed

'i'm sorry.. i'm sorry Rikey.. i didn't mean that..' I whisper

Riker folds his hands on his lap and stares at them 'I'm sorry too. I don't know why I laughed.. I wish I remembered her. She seems pretty awesome' he mumbles

I sigh heavily 'You hungry?' I ask, changing the subject

Rikers head pops up 'Extremely!'

Now I laugh 'I'll call mom. She can bring us something'

I look around for my phone. Its on the stand between our beds. I grab it and hit ma's speed dial

It rings twice 'Rydel! What is it? What's happened?!' Mom practically screams

'Everything is okay ma! Riker woke up earlier. Ca-'

'He did! Oh my stars! Thank goodness!' mom interrupts

There's some muffled voices on her end, then she's back 'Were coming there!'

'Can you bring us something to eat!?' I ask quickly before she can hang up

'Sure, what do you two want?' mom asks

'Uh-' I mouth 'what do you want' to Riker

'In N Out' he whispers, smiling

'In N Out' I laugh

'Okay hon, well be there soon! Love you both to pieces!' mom replies

'Love you too!' I say, but she's already hung up

I place my phone back on the stand and notice Riker is crying

'Riker? What's wrong?' I ask, attempting to keep myself from crying too

'it was my fault' he whispers

I move real close to my big bro 'What was your fault Rike?'

He looks at me 'The accident. It was my fault! I should've pulled off sooner! I put us here! It's my fault!'

I hold his head, forcing him to look at me 'Riker, the accident was not your fault! You couldn't have known how bad the weather actually was! Were fine! Look at us! Were both talking and functioning!'

Riker pulls his head out of my grasp 'I guess so..'

'Vanni is probably gonna come with them..' I mumble

Riker doesn't move or say anything

'Just talk to her Riker. You'll start to remember if you do' I try

'Okay..' he simply says

"When will they get here?" I wonder

This conversation has ended and now it's really awkward...

HIATUS-Hospitalized (Riker Lynch/Rikdel/Rikvannah/Rydellington/Rikoss/Rourtney)Where stories live. Discover now