19 - Hospital visit

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At Seoul National Hospital...

It's early in the morning, at the hospital corridor Tae is sitting in the waiting zone waiting for his serial. He is quite nervous as it's his first official hospital visit with Jungkook after their encounter. Whatever the background story is he is still the one who is carrying the child. Jungkook picked him from his house this morning and now he is busy with a phone call. After a while the  nurse  came and told Tae to enter the room. It's his turn. Tae stood up. Gathered his courage he was about to go then a hand wrapped his waist protectively. Taehyung looked at the face and found a smile of no worries. They enter the doctor's cabin.

Doctor's cabin...

Dr: Welcome Mr Jeon junior and also congratulations to you (*smiled at Jungkook as the doctor is Jeon's family doctor )
Jk(* smiled back ): Thanks Mrs Park.
Dr : So Mrs Jeon tell me how are you ? Do you feel any kind of discomfort anywhere?
(*When Tae understands that surname is for him then he slightly gets uncomfortable and the situation becomes a lill bit awkward)
Jk: We're not married yet (*sensing Tae's discomfort face)
Dr: Oh my bad! I'm sorry then Mr Kim
Tae: it... it's ok Mrs Park. Actually it's not your fault actually. As it's quite normal to think that every would-be parents are married. Whatever,  I'm fine but the morning sickness and head ache is bothering me . Also I feel like my body is changing umm.. you know
Dr (*smile ): it's normal at this stage dear. I'm prescribing some medicine for your head ache and about body change then it'll be a continuous thing cause baby needs more space as it grows up. Also you're already at the end of the first trimester if I'm right?
Tae : Yes, it's about to complete three months
Dr : Good. So do you have any kind of physical activity in this days ?
Jk(*awkward): No actually. We're staying apart
Dr : For your information, baby need it's both parents love at this stage. Now baby is formed a human form. It can sense the absence of his father. Also physical intimacy will help the mother to release stress and get a control over hormones.so it's really necessary to stay together. As I don't know about your personal life but as a doctor I can only suggest the things that benefits you.
Tae : Please doctor prescribe some
Jk: I'll take care of that. Is it over ?
Dr: no. I'll run a ultrasound test. Come with me. Both of you

She take them to therapy room. Taehyung lay down there . Doctor put some gel and wire tube over his belly which cause tickle sensation. Jk hold Tae's hand for courage. Doctor connect those to a screen and within some minutes a tine bean apered to the screen and they heard a tine rhythm of heart beat.

Dr : Here is your baby bean

Taekook looked at the screen and both sheed happy tears cause it's their baby. OWN Blood ! Jk hugged Tae immediately. Tae also hugged back without thinking anything as they both feels like blessed by this tiny soul.

Dr: So Mr Jeon (*after that overwhelming sensation they again back to cabin) I'm sorry to say baby's health is not so good. There is a chance of malnutrition
Tae : But I took a good care . I never ate any unhealthy.
Dr: You've to strictly follow my diet Mr Kim. Or I'm sorry you may lose ...
Jk: Stop there. Don't say any negative about my kid. Give me medicine and diet I'll look after that.

At the car...

After that conversation with doctor Taekook became silent. There are many things run over their head about the baby. Tae carassing his tiny baby bump and thinking about doctor's word and also those sound of his baby. Jk is holding the medical reports and ultrasound test's picture .as he personally request that

Jk: Look, whatever relationship we're holding right now can you please forget those for the sake of our child Tae? Can I get a chance in your life ?
Tae (*little smile ): because of your blood right? For the sake of your bloodline you want to be saint ?
Jk(* holding tae hand emotionally): I really don't know what grudge you're holding for me or what point I go wrong. Never in my life I done any wrong thing not that night either. Yes I wasn't in my sense but still that wasn't my fault . Why you hate me this much Tae?

(Tae looked at JK's doe eyes. Which filled with tears with a simple touch that can make a river.)

Tae : (You're really a gentleman or showing one ? Why I can't trust your blood Jeon? You're son of that monster and you're not worthy of a single trust but this eyes! This eyes full of emotion not only just the baby but also... Me?) Take me home Jeon. I'm tired (*take his hand from JK's grips and leaned to seat . Closed his eyes and drop of tears roll down from his eyes)

Jk looked at Tae's face and disappointedly started the car of course after wiped his stubborn tears. This poor boy don't even know for which reason he is being hated by the person of his ... Love? Or like ? Or just a mother of his child ???

At Jeon industry...

Jk and his other shareholders are in a meeting. Jk about to start his presentation but stopped

Mr Clair (*one of JK's shareholder ): I think it's useless Mr Jeon. We shouldn't waste out time on this project anymore.
Jk(*angry): what do you mean by useless huh? This is my dad's dream project and you're saying...
Mr. Tailer : what we should do now when we don't have that land anymore
Jk: What do you mean by that? Those land of Daegu is Jeon's private property. They are most expensive property of Jeon estate.
Mr Ahn : Not anymore. That land now belongs to Kim's.
Jk: What?
Mr. Tailer: we thought you're same ruthless like your father but you came out a complete disappointment Jungkook. When we came to know that that land is now under construction we send our men there. Found that you already handover the property to Kim Taehyung's name. So they already started there work there
Mr. Ahn : we're here for competent Jeon Jungkook. You and your company waste not only our time also million dollars.
Mr. Clair : We want 10 billion dollars or we're gonna file agint you as you know you and your company will be blacklist if we do that.
Mr. Ahn : prepare the money. We're going now but we will be here within a week. Useless people let's go guys. He and his father just a waste of time
Mr. Clair : definitely that Jeon junghyun is now a useless also his this son

They all left the room. Jungkook sat there with a rage as he understands how overnight everything has changed.


To be continue...

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