17- First attack

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At Daegue...

(*Jk is still Seoul for solving things. Here Taehyung is all alone in the city. So he decided to accomplish his reason )
Right now he is again standing that abandoned building

Tae (*giving order to four men ): Dig this middle of the floor. There are things. Do it fast (*he sat on the near chair) aish! This pregnancy made out my breath.gosh! My body is aching badly now. First this morning sickness then this ache. I shouldn't have done that. Arghhh Jeon!

Men: sir we find this box under that hole
Tae (*snatched that box and immediately stood up) This is my prowjet! (* Controlled himself and gave money to those men and they left )
He opened the box and wiped out the dust from that. He took out some paper from it.
Tae(*smirk): Your time starts now...

At Seoul....

Seojoon : Come on princess,don't run. Come to dada .
Angel : nowwwwweee I don't like those veggies.(*Run)
Sj: come nah! Dada getting old (*huff)
Now dada can't run more

But who is gonna listen?  That princess is really spoiled by his dad's love so she runs away . Here poor Seojoon became really tired by this and at last sat on the couch.
Sj: I really don't understand where she got this much naughty ? From Tae? Indeed from that brat. He is really a pain on... (*Phone ring) Here we go (*pick the phone) hey my naughty queen say?
?: ...
Sj (*cut the call. A drop of tears fell from his eyes. He looked at his daughter who is now busy with her doll ) Mumma come here (*she runs to her dad. Sj hugged his daughter tightly near his heart ) I love you my angel never leave dada ever princess (*he wiped his tears and made a pinky promise to her and then again this father daughter duo get busy with veggies fights)

At Jeon mansion...

Irene stormed into the mansion
Ir(*scream): Jungkook... Jeon Jungkook? Where are you come now.
Mrs Jeon (*came there in a hurry ): What happened Irene you here at this time?
Irene: why? Did I disturb your saint son huh? Who is busy with his mistress?
... Voice down lady. You're standing at the Jeon mansion
Irene (*sarcastic): oh really? Why should I huh? When my fiancee is busy with his dirty game then why should I keep my voice down?
Jk: I broke the engagement a long time ago(*venomously)
Ir : Did I agree with that? No right? So I'm still ...
Jk: I'm saying this last before do something. Get out
Ir: Don't forget Jeon my father is the shareholder of your project.
Jk: is that so? Then I'm backing out of the project
Jk: that's why you put those drugs on my drink right?
(*All colors drain from Irene's face )
Ir : wh... Who s...said that? Kim ? No trust me Jungkook it's him yes it's him. He wanted to get inside y...
Jk: control your ugly mouth ms.my mother is standing here. Get out. I'm not in the mood for this shit.
Ir (*lill scared): I know about that fake news . I'm sure that Kim Taehyung is behind this too. You know nah how much he hates you. He must be...
Jk: Mom I'm going (: Before Mrs Jeon can respond Jungkook is stormed out of the house)
Ir: I've to do something before I lose my Jungkook
(Mrs Jeon just stands there with a bit sad grin )
Mrs Jeon: they perhaps say the right that your children have to pay for your deeds...

* When they are busy barking there is someone who enters into the room where Mr Jeon senior lay down. She went to bed and injected a slow poison in his veins. Within 30 mins Mr Jeon's pressure gets high and he starts breathing heavily
?(*Call someone): work is done here. Only your antidote can save him
??(*Smirked): Good job. Your payment in your account lady. Just fly away as fast as you want. (*Cut the call and erase all calls history)

At Daegue hotel

Jk just returned back to Seoul after a hectic day. He is really very exhausted after those meetings,press briefing and collection of his innocence but still the loss he faces is huge. He just sat on the bed. His eye went to the beauty laying on the couch.he gently went there and strock Tae's belly. Tae stirred up and remove jks hand

Tae: what are you doing?
Jk: What?(*Mischievous smile): I'm just busy with my baby you know. I'm adorning him. Do you want some
Tae: ewww! Go away
Jk(*bent over.now jk and Tae's forehead are touching): Why not pretty? Lemme do some coo to you too. Come (*he picks tae and gently lay him on the bed and over hover him)
Tae(*gulp): what...what are you doing jeon.yo... you're dangerously close to me
Jk: So what? I'm the father of the child which you hidden inside your this pretty tummy. Lemme do
Tae: Jeon get out (*he tries to push but as Jk is really heavy for him) g... Arggg (*suddenly a m@on left from his mouth as Jungkook already started his work on Tae's neck ) g...go away
*Jk lost his sense when he got the sweet scent of tae after all he is a man of needs
Jk: if I knew you were this sweet I would have tested a  long ago (*he riped his court and continuously biting Tae's neck who is now a mess) oh! Kim!...

Tae:(oh God! No no it's not the time pls pls help no no)

Phone ring...

Jk(*annoyingly gets up and picks the call as it's from his mother but his breath gets stuck on his throat as he hears his mother's word): no way mom! Dad was fine but how... (*He ran his hands over his hair ) I'm coming.
(*Look at tae. He went to him and composed Tae's shirt properly) Stay here I'm coming within some hours (*kissed Tae's forehead and his belly)

* Jk came out of the hotel and about to go inside his Roles Royce but his step halted...
... : Aren't you gonna take this antidote?

Jk looks back and gets shocked
Jk(*trembling voice): A... Antidote?
... : Yes .it is very helpful for the patient who is injected by some powerful hormonal liquor (*smirk) like your dad

Jk (* Broken voice): Y.... You..d...did?

To be continue...

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