12 - Deal or ...

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Jk(*stumbled) :wha...what???
Tae(*smriked): what happened Jeon? Don't you believe my mouth or your ability???  Like if you have any doubt over your ability then think this as God's mercy that he bless you.
Jk: what the hell are you blubbering?  You are talking about your pregnancy while insulting my manhood?  What kind of human you are kim?
Tae: I'm the man that you never get Jeon.
Tae: oho! So you seriously have some manhood problem right Jeon???
Jk(*grabbed Tae's arms): You don't have any idea about my ability kim. I can fuck you here all fors and filled your that skinny tummy with my seeds. Don't you dare to question about my ability not when it all came to my manhood.  Now tell me about this shithy plan of yours. You are doing this for what???
Tae(*jerked Jk's hand and pull out some papers and throw them on Jk's face): look at this... LOOK THE HELL OF THIS

(*Jk arramged the papers and look at the result where it shows that Tae is pregnant.  His pregnancy months shows that he is clearly got pregnant after Taekook's session)

Jk: oh God! Not this... Why you didn’t told me that you are a cartiar?
Tae: like I was knew that I'm gonna spread my legs infront of you Jeon (*scoffed)
Jk(*he sat on the couch): N...now what?
Tae(*sat at Jk's chair): I want you to be my puppet. Do whatever I want or else...
Jk: or else what?
Tae: I'll kill this little flash of yours without even thinking twice.
Jk(*stand up): Don't you dare even think about this. This is my baby. My blood. This is a Jeon.  You’ve no right to do anything with it. I won’t spare you kim (*gritted his teeth)
Tae: Then do whatever I say and I promise your bean will be perfectly fine. It's Kim's promise.
Jk: I'm not gonna do that nor I'm letting you hurt my baby.
Tae(*feels lill dizzy as he is still weak) : really  Jeon?  You’ve no idea about this pregnancy shits. This bean will be fine as long as I want. You can't protract this by force at least not when it is inside my tummy.
Jk: Don't you dare treat me K...TAEEEEEEE

(*Tae fainted on spot cause of stress and his week state. Good luck that Jk caught him asap.)

Jk: he...hey Tae?  (*path Tae's cheeks) Tae pls open your eyes don't made me worried. Hey...

Time skip,

Jin : Jungkook?
Jk(*hurriedly stand. He is in the waiting room and Tae is inside the patient room): Hyung how is he?
Jin: ok ok,clam down kook. Don't be no nervous ok? First tell me how Mr kim and you end up together?  I mean as far I know you both are enemy right? Then how you find him in this state?
Jk: I'll tell you later now tell me how is he? What about the baby all is ok right?
Jin(*sigh): all is not ok kook. He is pregnant but his body is so much weak right now. Maybe he skipped his meals and also avoid the proper medication that's effect on the baby inside him
His baby is weak. To be honest it's close to miscarriage.
Jin: yes. But still there is a hope if he stay clam and cool for this period, maintain proper medication, take care of himself and stay happy then we can save the baby. It's needed to be happy in this period and take less stress. Or else the pregnancy period will be difficult. I hope you understand. (*path Jk's back) Don't know what relationship you hold but if yiu know the father of the baby then pls told him to take a good care of the baby. Excuse me (*he left)
Jk(*blank face): what should I do now? If I agreed then he'll destroy my company for sure as it was his only intention or if I disagree then I... I'll lost my baby... My unborn baby... (*he shut his eyes and think something then...)
This is the result of my foolishness. So I've to tolerate this. As I create this I've to solve... (*he left)


???: Hello,yes It's confirmed that Mr Kim Taehyung is pregnant.
???: He is carrier. About the father don't know. I only know that he is pregnant.
*other side*: keep sure he and the baby stay healthy and keep out of touch the Jeons. I'll find some way... (*cut the call)
???(*sigh): if only she know...

With Taekook

With Taekook

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Jk(*enter the room and look at Tae) : Why? Why! (*sighed and set on the couch)Tae(*groan

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Jk(*enter the room and look at Tae) : Why? Why! (*sighed and set on the couch)
Tae(*groan.as he wake up from the fainting state): Wa...water...
(*Jk quickly move to him and hold him in his arms. Jk take a glass and made Tae drink that)
Jk: are you ok?
Tae(*nod): yeah... Leave me...
Jk(*back away): Listen... I'm ready...

Tae(*frown): for what?
Jk: Be your puppet,do whatever you say.
Tae(*smirk): Good decision Jeon
Jk(*gritted teeth) :Remember that you play very dirty by dragging MY BABY in this. Yes I'll do whatever you want TILL yoh gave birth my baby. After him or her I'll snatch him or her from you also snatched the titel of papa of MY BABY. now do whatever you want but if you harm my baby I'll show you the hell.
Tae(*painful smile): Don't worry Jeon I already experienced the sight of hell.
Jk(*frown): what?
Tae: nothing.  So,the deal is that you’ve to do whatever I say and I'll keep the baby safe.
Jk(*sat the couch like a king): I've two conditions too.
Tae: are you at the state of give me condition?
Jk: you’ve no idea what this Jeon Jungkook can do or not. Just I'm helpless in this factor
Tae: say
Jk: first, I won’t give you the main property of Jeons
Tae(*laugh): who want that cursed property?
Jk(*gritted teeth): My father work hard for this
Tae(*laughing) : indeed he did... Ok second?
Jk: you’ve stay with me untill you gave birth. As I will work for you so I should also see how you take care of my baby. You know I can't believe you.
Tae: same here. Ok then come to my house...
Jk(*grabbed Tae's chin): No honey,you are gonna move to my farm house. That will be the next destination from now on... (*kissed Tae harshly and left)

Tae(*teary eyes): all Jeons are same...

-----------✪ To Be Continue ✪--------

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