Chapter 6

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The edge of the forest gave way to rolling green plains of long grass and wildflowers. A small group of deer grazed as the insects buzzed lazily around their heads. In the distance a herd of wild buffalo lumbered slowly across the horizon.

Elisset and her aunt stepped out of the shade of the trees and into the warmth of the sun. Elisset stood still and took a moment to feel the rays on her skin, something she hadn't realised she had missed during their time in the deep forest.

"Where do we go now?" Her aunt asked.

"We keep going west, to Thrania. We will seek exile there, in Salberg. King Harald will hear our plea. He will help me reclaim my birthright."

Elisset slipped off her cloak and looked as the sun glimmered off the gold thread. She smiled a small smile, then proceeded to turn the cloak inside out.

"What are you doing?" Her aunt asked.

"We are exiles now, auntie, and I am sure that there are those here that would eagerly profit from selling us back to Cuthma the dishonest." She pulled the cloak on, its black fur now on the outside, and the gold thread against her body. "We must travel as discreetly as we can, until we arrive in Salberg."


It was on the sixth day, in the afternoon, that Elisset walked into the first settlement they had found. It was a small hamlet, with a handful of turf-roofed hovels and a small tavern at its centre. The community there appeared to be farmers, likely smallholders who lived only from what they could grow or hunt. Three elderly women sat on chairs outside the tavern, watching her and her aunt as they walked along the road towards them. Elisset had hunched over slightly to try and reduce her height and her obviously royal stature, and had dirtied her cloak with some dry dirt and seeds from the wildflowers that grew alongside the road.

"Would you have something to drink?" One of the women called to them. Elisset looked over at the small figure, seated on a high backed chair, needle and thread in her hands and loose bundles of cloth on her lap.

"If you have tea, or a small ale, we can pay with coin." Elisset called back. The woman nodded at her while one of the three stood and walked into the small wooden hut that served as a tavern.

"Aedyll, get some stools for the travellers, go on." The sewer ordered the remaining woman, who revealed a club foot as she rose from her chair and stepped into the hut after the first woman.

"Mabyl Sower, mother of the village." The lady with the sewing greeted them as they neared and sat on the stools provided by the hobbling Aedyll.

"Lyffa, and this is my sister. She is a mute." Elisset answered, quieting her aunt before she could speak. Elisset felt the need to keep tight control over what was said. "Thank you for your hospitality, Mabyl."

"Pour us all a fresh cup, Fyan." Mabyl told the lady who came out of the tavern carrying a black kettle, gesturing to each cup as the tea was poured.

"We don't get many travellers coming along this road." Mabyl said as Elisset blew on the hot tea.

"We got lost." Elisset answered.

"Where did you get lost?" Aedyll asked, as Mabyl looked sideways at her. Aedyll had a light voice, and Elisset could tell that she was nervous.

"We got waylaid on the road out of Fonis." Elisset answered, her prepared story fresh in her mind. "We were travelling with our Lord and his Lady, we are her maids, when some villains fell upon us one night. My sister and I ran into the darkness, and have been looking for the road north ever since, for three days now."

"Three days! You must be hungry," Mabyl held her hands up in shock, "Aedyll, go get some bread and the chutney, sweet cake as well. Hurry now." Aedyll quickly rose and shuffled in doors in haste at Mabyl's words.

"Thank you, that's very kind, we are very hungry." Elisset answered " We've only had water from streams to drink. Neither of us know how to hunt, although we tried, but our snares did not work." She lied, enjoying the tapestry of narrative she was weaving.

"Who is your Lord?" Mabyl asked as Aedyll returned with the food. Elisset passed a chunk bread and pot of chutney to her aunt, gesturing to her to eat it quickly.

"Lord Moon." Elisset lied, and took a bite of bread herself before continuing, making sure to speak through her food as the low-born would. "He was summoned to Salerg by the King. My lady asked us to come as part of their household, to help her bathe and dress."

"Are there many maids as tall as you in Fonis?" Fyan spoke for the first time, and was quickly slapped across the arm by Mabyl.

"You are being rude to our guests!" Mabyl shouted at her.

"I am not offended, please, I am used to it. I am very tall. My father, I have been told, was a sailor ten feet tall from Orthorea beyond the Southern Seas. My mother worked in the fish market. She died giving birth to me, and my sister took care of me, as best she could. When I was ten we were taken in by the Lord, who noticed my height even at that young age. I was put to use brushing my Lady's hair, and tying it up for her. It was easy with my height." Elisset enjoyed adding colour to her tapestry, and smiled at the deception. She noticed her aunt nod along, playing her part in the farce with surprising enthusiasm.

She looked down for a moment, and prepared her face. She feigned a sob. "And now my lady is dead." She shook her shoulders and wiped at her eyes as if she was crying.

"Oh come here, you poor thing." Aedyll stood and hugged Elisset as she sat sobbing. "We will keep you safe here. You can stay with us."
"I have to get to Salberg. I need to...I have to tell them what happened to my Lord and Lady." Elisset said, her voice deliberately shaking.

"We'll get you there lass, don't you fret," Mabyl said, "My boys got a mare you can ride, it's old, and it's gone bald in places, but she's still strong with clean hooves. Stay here a night or two and git yourself some rest, it's a long journey to Salberg."

"You can stay with me, both of you, my bed might be too small though." Aedyll said, stroking Elisset's shoulders in comfort.

"No." Fyan spoke suddenly, her voice low and husky, a damaged sound to Elisset's ear.

"No?" Aedyll replied.

"No. They can stay here. In the roof. Flags for a bed." Fyan husked her words.

"Oh, yes thats right, we keep our flags and bunting up there. We cover all our buildings with them in midsummer, and on the God's days. There's enough to be a comfortable lay." Aedyll explained.

"Thank you. That sounds perfect. We don't want to be any trouble.

"Oh, no trouble at all, not a bother," Mabyl waved a dismissive hand. "Just mention our generosity to the palace in Salberg. That's all we ask." She smiled a crooked yellowed toothed grin.

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