1. Enemy of an Enemy

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A shrill cry echoed through the mist that rose off of the sea early on in the morning. An exclamation of rage and aggression.

Though not an uncommon sound amongst the dark streets and to those that prowled around them, it was most definitely an unwelcome one, seeing as the sun had barely even begun to peak over the horizon when the scream was let out, waking up any sleeping soul for at least the six streets surrounding- possibly even the whole island.

And at the center of the screech were two figures running side by side away from the elderly woman that had raised her voice. The two figures were no strangers to chaos such as that being currently ensued. In fact, they were more often than not the cause of said ruckus. Just as they were at that moment.

Despite the shouts that rose up around the two figures that were running down a dark alley- anger falling down like a heavy blanket around the individuals being woken up- they just laughed.

Their laughter echoed off the decaying brick walls alongside the clamering of their footsteps, hoods pulled over both of their heads- though it wouldn't be hard for any person on the island to guess who they were. Despite their arms being full of various different gleaming objects, it didn't seem to slow their run in any way as they flew through the streets, leaving grouchier than normal people in their wake.

Jews and gems were held tightly against their chests- items that were in fact a rarity in the place they called a home- so having so many was nothing short of inimaginable.

Twins of thievery- that's what they were more often than not called. It was almost as if they couldn't step onto the streets of the Isle without pickpocketing some poor, confused elderly man or swiping a couple of useless items from a stand in the marketplace.

Never mind when one of them had noticed a particularly nasty elderly lady who ran one of the regular shops on the Isle began closing up shop early almost every day in order to avoid the dark of the nights. That could only mean that she had found something of value worth hiding.

And who would they be had they not gone to investigate?

"Left," The boy called out so only the girl next to him could hear.

She swiftly nodded her head, not questioning his words in the slightest as she pivoted on her heel and did just as he said, skidding down a street they knew to be a shortcut to where they were heading.

Neither one of them slowed in their strides until they were forced to pull to a stop as the girl- having less objects in her hold- bent down to pick up a discarded rock. She reeled her arm back and sent it flying in just the right direction through the air, watching in satisfaction as it hit its target and opened a gate just in front of them.

"Lets go," She spoke, ducking up the stairwell, not needing to look over her shoulder to know that the boy was following behind.

It wasn't until they reached the top and were inside a vast room that they finally came to a complete stop, matching grins on their faces as they dumped all the treasures onto a table and took the hoods off of their heads.

Anyone that didn't know the two could take a singular glance and easily be able to tell that they were twins. It wasn't just their features that were scarily alike- it was their demeanors. The way in which they carried themselves. The sparkle of mischief that never seemed to leave their eyes.

But everyone did know them. The twin children of Jafar. The two that enjoyed nothing more than wreaking havoc across the island that everyone was forced to call a home.

"I'd say we did pretty well for ourselves." Jay, the elder of the two, boasted as he lazily crossed his arms over his chest and grinned down at their loot in pride.

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