2. Moping and Mopping

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Jackie scrunched up her nose at the foul stench that slammed into her like a tidal wave, jutting out a hip and placing one of her hands against it as she threw a less than amused look to the pirate beside her, "It smells like fish."

Harry sneered mockingly in return, "Yer a perceptive one, ain't ya, lassie?"

"Only when I need to be." She shot back, "I couldn't say the same thing about-"

"Alright, that's enough, you two." Uma interjected, quite literally pushing her way in between them in order to prevent any more fighting from breaking out, "We're here to work, not squabble. If you wanna go after one another, do it on your own time."

Though it almost physically pained her to do so, Jackie clamped her jaw shut to keep another sly comment from slipping through her lips, knowing that pissing off the newfound captain on her first day as a part of the crew would not exactly end in her favor.

Doing everything in her power to push the foul smell from her mind as well, the girl took another step across the ship's deck, ignoring the certain pair of blue eyes she felt trained purposefully on her back.

Only the day before had been when the blue haired pirate had approached the daughter of Jafar with the proposition of joining the crew. And whilst Jackie had initially accepted, thoughts of doubt and uncertainty clouded her mind the second she stepped out of the shop.

She couldn't be a pirate. She was nothing but a thief and a lowlife.

True, both were needed in order to become a pirate, but that was where the similarities between her and them died.

There wasn't a part of her cut out for spending days on end on the sea- though they couldn't technically sail anywhere- surrounded by people with grammar issues and reeking of that terrible fish smell.

But then an image once more flashed across Jackie's mind, an image of her so-called friends and brother when they returned for her as promised, only to see that she had become something they all despised. A pirate.

That thought alone was enough for the girl to push down her hesitations and take up a facade of confidence- one that felt more real this time.

Her eyes swept over the deck before her and the pirates that were going about their daily routines of swabbing the deck and arranging various barrels that held things unknown to the brunette girl, though she felt their eyes pierce into her form whenever they thought their captain wasn't looking.

"Uma, where do you need- Oh, hey, Jackie." An all too familiar voice cut himself off as he stumbled over to where the trio was standing once his eyes landed on the outsider. But instead of a sneer accompanying his features at the sight of the foreigner like the rest of the crew, he was beaming brightly at her.

She couldn't help but feel a smile of her own begin to stretch over her face when she turned to face the boy, "Hey there, Gil." She greeted kindly.

Whilst it was common knowledge to the whole Isle that her old group and the pirates were sworn enemies, Jackie could never find it in her heart to feel the same hatred towards the son of Gaston as she felt for the others.

The whole-hearted boy whom none would think was cut out to be a pirate, but was loyal to the core and could lighten any tensions by simply being himself, something the group he ran with could use more often than not.

"You'll never belive it," He immediately began to gush to her, as if her being there was the most normal thing ever, "I heard that Uma recruited someone to join our crew, but they're not from the pirate side of the island."

Gil was gossiping as if his captain and her right hand weren't standing just a few feet from him as his attention was fully focused on the girl in front of him.

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