4. Anger to Action

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"This is useless," Jackie scoffed, turning her head to the side, features contorted into that of deep frustration, "I'm never gonna get it."

Hook only smiled at her from across the deck, "You've just gotta keep practicin', lassie."

She rolled her eyes skywards, "Gee, thanks, Hook. I didn't even think about it like that."

His smirk only seemed to widen, "Block and then push away." He reminded her, striding over to where she now stood at the bow of the ship.

"You've got this!" A voice cheered from off to the side, dragging the duo's eyes over to the railing.

Gil sat upon the wooden railing, swinging his legs back and forth, grinning gleefully as he clapped his hands together in encouragement for the girl. Uma stood beside him, leaning back with her arms crossed over her chest and a smirk across her features.

"Neither of you could be the ones to teach me this?" The brunette girl called over, annoyance lacing her tone, preferring either one of them to the hooked man that stood snickering across from her.

"Why would we even bother when this is so much more entertaining than anything we could conjure up?" The captain called back, throwing her head back with a laugh when Jackie raised her finger in an obscene gesture in return.

"Come on, lassie, focus." Hook's voice was almost taunting as he spoke, drawing her gaze back to him.

Jackie's eyes narrowed, surging forward without warning and attempting to hit her sword into the center of his stomach. If there was anything that could make her feel better, she would bet that it was hitting him.

Harry blocked the blow with ease, pushing the sword away from him as if he were simply swatting at a fly.

That only further ignited the rage within her.

The simplicity in which he fought against her, as if she were a mere child. The easy smirk of amusement that rested on his features. The way his piercing blue eyes stayed firmly on hers the entire time.

All of it drove her to the brink of insanity.

She flew forward once more, not paying attention to her footwork as she should be, and attempted to go around his side and take him by surprise. She barely even landed back on the ground before her feet were swept out from under her, though.

A sharp gasp left Jackie's lips as she felt the solid ground of the ship's deck sweep out from underneath her and her muscles tensed as she awaited the impact of her head hitting the wood.

Said impact never came, however, as an arm quickly shot out and wrapped itself around her waist, stopping her just before she hit the floor.

Jackie's head snapped up to meet Hook's gaze, which had now dimmed a bit in amusement and began to shine with something closer to worry.

The boy had the gall to sweep her legs out from under her then catch her as if he were her knight in shining armor.

Only a second passed before the girl came to her senses and she quickly regained her footing before shaking off his hold. Harry seemed a bit disappointed, but wordlessly dropped his arm to the side and stepped back as well, studying her.

A huff of anger was the only thing that she could bring herself to let out as she slammed her sword into his chest in a hand-off fashion before storming past him, making sure to hit her shoulder against his as she went.

Anger, humiliation, and frustration coursed through her veins as she stomped off of the ship.

Had she turned around and spared a glance over her shoulder, she would have seen Uma gently placing a hand on Hook's shoulder in order to stop him from chasing after her.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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