Chapter 23. The Unseen Hand

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"What should we do next?" asked Mu Yongzheng, his eyes idly moving from one geometric pattern of the tiled floor to the other.

Now that Hong Junjie had left together with the hunting party, Kathryn found herself in the position of a group leader once more. But this time, she was not worried. Xiaobo would do her every bidding without question. As for Brother Mu, he would always respect Wen Zhi Ji's seniority. He might offer his input, sometimes in an obnoxious way, but would follow Kathryn's decisions.

"Going back to the tax collector's mansion seems our best option," Kathryn replied after a short pause. "We had no chance to look at the servant's quarters. And whatever the unknown cultivator was trying to get, maybe we'll be able to find it."

Mu Yongzheng scoffed. "The unknown cultivator?! Why can't you accept that we're dealing with Murong Yaozu now?"

Kathryn tried to stay patient. "We don't know that. I couldn't see the face, and I'm sure you didn't either. Let's not jump to conclusions without firm evidence."

Brother Mu shrugged his shoulders but did not press the point. Kathryn felt no desire to argue, either. The early morning sun, playing on the green polished columns that supported the roof with its richly carved beams, must have put everyone in a peaceful mood.

"What about the Chief Investigator?" Xiaobo asked. "If he's back there, we won't have a chance to look around". He had moved one of the stools, thoughtfully arranged around the pavilion, closer to Kathryn's bench, and was now facing the two masters.

"I think we'll go to his office first. You need to read the reports there. We'll accompany you and ask Assistant Liang about his chief's plans. I think he'll tell us at least when they're going back to the tax collector's mansion."

Kathryn glanced at Mu Yongzheng, who sat leaning against one of the pillars in a relaxed manner as if there was nothing else on his mind but spending a few leisurely minutes in the company of fellow cultivators. Perhaps she was imagining things after all, and those occasional sharp glances directed at her from behind Mu's thick dark eyelashes in the past week had a different explanation.

The sound of quick footsteps on the stone path drew Kathryn's attention away from her doubts. A young servant, entering the enclosed space, bowed deeply. "Assistant Investigator Liang seeks an audience with Master Wen and other esteemed cultivators. Should I bring him here or to the reception room?"

The atmosphere in the pavilion, with the morning light dappling the colorful floor and osmanthus leaves rustling in the gentle breeze, was too pleasant to break.

"Please, invite him in. We'll talk to him here. And bring some tea."

Xiaobo moved another stool to face the bench and placed it next to the low side table, separating Kathryn's sitting space from that of Mu Yongzheng's.

A few moments later, Assistant Investigator Liang stepped into the pavilion, his face showing the familiar eagerness mixed with admiration.

"Esteemed cultivators," he stammered. "I apologize for the intrusion. I know you have much to do, but I wanted to show you something. I found that in the Zhao Mansion yesterday. And I think it might be what you've been searching for."

Liang placed a small cloth bundle on the table and carefully unwrapped it, revealing a collection of dried herbs. All three cultivators leaned forward to have a better look. A mix of emerald green grass with violet flower buds emitted a faint, sweet fragrance that lingered in the air and was hard to place.

"Is this some kind of incense?"

"Yes, Master Mu. I found those in the garden, next to a broken incense burner."