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"What the absolute hell does that arrogant prick think of himself, huh? I swear to God, I'm this close to slitting his throat in his sleep, that fucking asshole," I seethed through gritted teeth, the door rattling from the force of my frustration

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"What the absolute hell does that arrogant prick think of himself, huh? I swear to God, I'm this close to slitting his throat in his sleep, that fucking asshole," I seethed through gritted teeth, the door rattling from the force of my frustration.

Thank the heavens Min-ho is with Jin right now, I can't bear the thought of him seeing me like this, all riled up and ready to explode.

"Deep breaths, y/n, just breathe. You've faced worse, you can get through this too. No one, not this jackass or any other jackass, can break you," I muttered to myself, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging within me.

I need to make him pay, I can't just let him walk all over me like this. This is beyond infuriating, but maybe I can channel this anger into something productive for others as a form of revenge.

With a purpose in mind, I hurried to the walk-in closet and retrieved my trusty laptop from its hidden spot. Cradling it like a precious gem, I brought it to my room and settled on the bed, my mind already racing with plans for retaliation.

"My precious baby, it's been far too long since I've unleashed your power. You're my secret weapon," I whispered, a devious glint in my eyes as I prepared to unleash my wrath in a way that would a good lesson.

As I logged into the server, my fingers moved with lightning speed across the keyboard, leaving no trace of my presence. My frustration fueling my determination, a scowl etched on my face, I was determined to make him pay for his arrogance.

"You wanna mess with me, huh? Let's see how you like this," I growled, my voice laced with venom, the eerie glow from the screen casting shadows across my determined face.

That arrogant smirk of his, the way he dismissed me like I was nothing, I couldn't take it anymore. As a top-tier hacker, I knew exactly how to hit him where it hurt.

"Alright, Jungkook," I hissed, accessing his bank account with malicious glee. "You think you're untouchable? Let's make some donations, shall we?"

My knuckles cracked as I transferred chunks of his fortune to various charities. A hefty sum to an orphanage first, my voice dripping with contempt, "Hope you enjoy knowing you helped some kids."

Next, a significant donation to an animal shelter, my tone sharp and cutting, "You love dogs, right? Well, now you're their biggest sponsor."

"Oh, this is too good," I whispered to myself, a wicked grin curling my lips. "How about some funds for the 'Save the Whales' foundation? Maybe some for the 'Global Reforestation Project'?" The thought of his shock and confusion fueled my fire, intensifying my need for payback.

The transactions continued, my fingers flying across the keys with precision and rage. The clock on the wall taunted me with the late hour, but my frustration only grew as the adrenaline began to wear off, leaving behind a seething anger that refused to be quelled.

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