"I Care about You"

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TW- mentions of miscarriage, panic attacks and geraldine.

A/N- i am so sorry for this 😔

It has been 2 weeks since Autumn and Winter had received news that they were no longer expecting. The young woman was shattered, she lost the one thing she always wanted. Winter was devastated, but he had to stay strong for his girl.

Autumn was due to go back to work today. She woke up with tears running down her face, her hair was a mess and she was still wearing yesterday's clothes. She sat up in bed and rubbed her forehead. She stumbled to the bathroom and started to get ready for the day.

She chose to wear a black button up shirt with black trousers. As she was buttoning up her shirt, she looked at herself in the mirror. She turned to the side, expecting to see a tiny baby bump, but there was none. Autumn tried to hold back her tears but one singular tear ran down her face.

"My love, are you okay?" Winter walked up behind her and saw her tearing up. "I don't know. This is all my fault, I'm sorry." The woman hugged her boyfriend and hid her face in his shoulder, to hide her tears. "Autumn, my love." He lifted her head and gently held her face. "This is not your fault, stop blaming yourself. You're strong Autumn, I know you are." She let out a small smile after hearing the words of encouragement.

The two later set off for their day at work. Autumn was not ready to go back, but she had no choice. As the two arrived, Autumn took a deep breathe in and out. Winter walked his girlfriend to the office to make sure she was settled. He told Marjorie about how she was feeling and she knew not to talk to her too much throughout the day.

Out of the blue, a parent waltzed through the office door and walked straight to Autumn. "Hello Autumn!" Geraldine said with a fake smile on her face. "I heard about you and Winter, I am ever so sorry." Marjorie was startled as she heard the parent say this. "Geraldine, kindly leave the office, as you can see Autumn is extremely busy." Marjorie tried to get the parent away from Autumn as soon as possible, but it didn't work.

Autumn looked up at the daft parent with a death stare. "So I'm guessing you and Winter will be trying again?" As soon as Marjorie heard that, she stood up and dragged the woman outside and immediately shut the office door.

By that time, Autumn had tears running down her face, pooling on her desk, smudging all of her makeup. She moved down to the floor and hugged her knees tightly. Marjorie saw Autumn huddled up on the floor and she knew exactly what was happening.

"Autumn, you're gonna get throught this. I'm here for you." She sat down next to the woman to give her some comfort. Autumn's breathing was extremely fast and the tears would not stop. "Marjorie, I can't do this anymore, it's just too much for me. I'm tired of this." Autumn said softly. "I know it's tough Autumn, but I know how strong you are. You can get through this, I know you can. I will never leave your side."

Autumn looked up at the woman next to her. Her face was bright red from her crying, she had finally calmed down from the panic attack. "Marjorie, can I have a hug?"

"Of course you can." Marjorie opened her arms, allowing her friend to hug her. She could hear Marjorie's heartbeat, which somehow soothed her. "I will always be here for you Autumn, I care about you."

"Thank you Marjorie, that means a lot." Autumn let out a small smile, she felt safe in Marjorie's arms and she never wanted to leave.

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