Part 21

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When the doctor finally emerged, his face was a mask of professionalism, but Omer could see the exhaustion in his eyes. Omer stepped forward, his voice almost pleading, "How is she? How's Kivilcim? And the baby?"

The doctor took a deep breath before speaking. "Omer Bey. We managed to stabilize Mrs. Arslan. However.... she is in critical condition. There was a lot of bleeding and the situation remains very delicate. We did everything we could to save the baby, but I'm afraid I have some difficult news."

Omer's heart sank, and he felt a wave of dread wash over him. "What- What do you mean?" he asked, struggling to maintain his composure.

The doctor continued, his tone grave. "Unfortunately, due to the extent of the complications, we- we were unable to save the baby. Mrs. Arslan is still in critical condition, but she is stable for now. We will continue to monitor her closely, but the situation is still very serious."

Omer's knees nearly gave out at the devastating news. "We-We lost our baby?"

"Unfortunately, yes, sir." 

His vision blurred as he tried to grasp the what the doctor had just said told him. Was what he heard true? His baby—his and Kivilcim's baby—was gone.

He clenched his fists, struggling to contain the wave of grief that was taking over him. His breath came in ragged gasps, each inhale feeling so hard to take. What just happened. The tiny life they had. Was it a Boy. Was it a girl. They didn't even have enough time to find out.

Tears streamed down his face as he fought to stay upright. He looked down at Metehan, who was clutching his side with a mixture of confusion and fear. The sight of his son's tearful eyes was a cruel reminder of the family they were supposed to be.

"How?" Omer's voice cracked, barely above a whisper. "How did this happen? We were supposed to be a family... we were supposed to be together."

Omer looked down to Metehan and towards Doga's room. The unimaginable happened. If things took an even worse turn, what if he had lost all of his children and the woman he loves in one day. What if Kayhan successfully kidnapped his family and he never saw them again. His child would grow up without him again. He wiped his tears with the back of his hands. He looked at them, thankful they were alive.

As Omer stepped into the hospital room, he found Kivilcim lying in bed, her face peaceful yet pale. His heart clenched at the sight of her, so fragile and unaware of the tragedy that had unfolded. Not knowing what was happening as she lay here unconscious. And in any moment, her world will be crushed too. Quietly, he walked over and sat by her side, his eyes tracing the soft lines of her face.

For a moment, he hesitated, his hand hovering over her belly, a bittersweet ache filling his chest. The thought of the life that had been there this morning when he left them, now gone, was too much to bear. Swallowing hard, he pulled his hand back, not wanting to disturb her or the emptiness left behind. Instead, he reached for her hand, gently taking it in his. He lifted it to his lips and kissed it tenderly, his eyes closing as he tried to hold back the tears.

Omer looked at Kivilcim's serene face, still untouched by the knowledge of their loss. His thumb lightly caressed her cheek, tracing the delicate contours. He then tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. He couldn't help but feel a surge of protectiveness, wanting to shield her from the pain that awaited her. 

"Kivilcim. I almost lost you today like I did 8 years ago. I was so scared." Omer whispered as he caressed her face

Omer's voice broke as he continued, "I thought I lost you. I- I don't know what I would have done if..." He trailed off, unable to finish the sentence, the weight of his emotions too much to bear. He pressed his lips to her hand again, as if willing her to wake up, to open her eyes and reassure him that she was still with him.

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