Part 27

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Omer hung up the phone, his frustration boiling over. He ran his hand through his hair, trying to calm the growing storm inside him. But it was no use. In a burst of anger, he grabbed the nearest object—a stapler—and hurled it across the room. The stapler crashed into a vase, shattering it into pieces. And then he hurled another object, breaking more glass.

Just then, the door opened, and Abdullah walked in, his eyes widening at the sight of the broken vase and Omer's tense posture. "What's going on here?" he asked, his voice filled with concern. "I could hear glass breaking from across the building."

Omer turned to face him, his chest heaving with the force of his emotions. "Everything's wrong, Abdullah. Everything's just... wrong," he said, his voice laced with exhaustion and bitterness.

Omer turned to face Abdullah, his chest heaving. His hands clenched into fists as he struggled to keep himself together, but it was a losing battle. "What's going on? is my sister in law okay? The kids? What happened?"

"This..." Omer began, his voice trembling with pent-up rage. He raised his hand to his forehead, pressing it against his temple as if trying to ward off the pounding headache building inside. "This situation, this bastard... Kayhan. That fucking idiot!"

Omer slammed his fist against the desk, the sound echoing through the room. His eyes were wild with anger and desperation as he looked at Abdullah. "I need to find him, brother. I need to find him before I go crazy. Brother, I am so tired. And my anger has reached this high." He said raising his hand above his head. "I am done. I feel like I can't even protect my wife or children."

Abdullah's expression hardened with understanding. He stepped closer to Omer, his tone firm yet calm. "We'll find him, Omer. We'll handle this. Everyone makes mistakes and he is bound to make one soon."

Abdullah placed a steadying hand on Omer's shoulder, grounding him for a moment. "You're not alone in this. We'll get through it. But you need to keep a clear head. For Kivilcim, for the kids. Losing control now won't help them."

Omer took a deep breath, loosening his tie, trying to rein in the anger within him. "Okay. Okay."

Before Abdullah could respond, Omer's phone rang, the sound Loud. Omer quickly answered without thinking, his heart pounding in his chest as he recognized the number. It was the guard.

"What's wrong?" Omer asked, his voice sharp with urgency.

There was a pause on the other end of the line, a silence that felt like it stretched on for eternity. "Sir," the guard finally said, his voice strained, "Her car has come to a stop."

Omer's breath caught in his throat, his mind racing with a thousand possibilities. "Where? What happened?" he demanded, his knuckles white as he gripped the phone.

The guard hesitated, his voice tight with unease. "I don't know, sir. An apartment building. She pulled over, someone got in the car. I couldn't see... but... she hasn't moved since."

Omer's heart pounded as he gripped the phone. "Go to her. Now. Make sure she is okay." he ordered, his voice low and commanding.

The guard wasted no time. He quickly exited his vehicle, pulling out his gun as he cautiously approached Kivilcim's car. His training took over, scanning the area for any signs of danger.

Kivilcim, seeing the guard approach with a gun drawn, screamed in terror. "Are you crazy?" she yelled, her voice shaking. The kids joined in, their terrified cries filling the car.

The guard stopped in his tracks, realizing his mistake. He immediately lowered his weapon, his face pale with shock. "Kivilcim Hanım, I'm sorry! I thought—" he stammered, struggling to explain himself.

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