I can explain myself ok

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Yu xuan: Hi 👋 ☺️

Sarah: urgh, what are you doing here??

Yu xuan: I came to pick you up

Sarah: I can take myself home

Yu xuan: Well, I'm already here, so hop on we leaving

Sarah: tf we're are we going??

Yu xuan: Like I said, I am taking u home

Sarah: uhmmmm ok

Hops on off, he speeds off a few minutes later, finally arriving at the spot he dropped her off last last time he took her home

Sarah: Thank you 😊

Yu xuan: My pleasure 🙏 see you tomorrow at school

Sarah: Cool 😎

As she walked off, he sped off

Sarah: Wait, tomorrow is Saturday. What are we doing at school ??

As she asked herself all confused, she finally just brushed it away and continued with what she was doing

Saturdays 9:10

Yu xuan: Good morning

Sarah: Good morning

Yu xuan: So you ready, I will come pick you up

Sarah: Do you realize today is Saturday??

Yu xuan: Yes, why??

Sarah: omg dude, there is no school

Yu xuan: Just wake up. I'm going to pick you up

Sarah: mxm fine 🙄

A few minutes pass, and no text from your xuan minutes goes to an hour from an hour to hours from hours to more hours

Sarah: Hey, didn't you say you would come pick me up, or should I meet you at school it's ok if you won't be able to pick me up

Yu xuan: Delivered

Sarah:uhhmmm ok one thing about me I ain't got patients soo imma catch a cab. I will wait for you at school

Yu xuan: Delivered

10:30 Takes a taxi to school, arrives, walks towards the school, and waits by the gate

Sarah: HI, I just arrived at school. i don't see your bike 🙃 so I will just wait a little bit. Text me when you get this text

Yu xuan: Delivered

Min turns into hours yu xuan doesn't text back, neither show up

13:30 Sarah has been standing there for hours it got to the point where she started to get annoyed 😒

Checks the time 14:10

Sarah:ohh hell no, I am going home

Took a taxi back home still no text from yu xuan NIERTHER phone call which was unlike him

Got home all worried 😟 bc he still hasn't texted and called nothing

Sarah: Why on earth am I worried about him his grown and he can look after himself 😭but why didn't he show up why didn't he call or text me (All these questions were going thru her mind ) let me text Yi Chen quick

YiChen: Yi Chen, have you heard from Yu xuan??

Yi Chen: What's up??

Sarah: we we're supposed to meet today, but he hasn't called NIERTHER. called me, and I'm starting to ok nvm. Just tell me if he texts you

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