Truth or Drink 🍸 🔞

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30 minutes later

Yu xuan: ahhhh, what a day it was 😩

Sarah: ahhhh, I knowwwww 😩🫵🏾

Yu xuan: Let's take a shower and watch something or cuddle 😏 🤪

Sarah: Why tf did you say it like that 🤣weirdo

Yu xuan: 🤣🤣🤣

Sarah: Come, let's go shower 🚿

They both went to the bathroom, stepping in the shower 🚿

10 minutes later

Sarah: Now that was amazing

Yu xuan: right 😩so wanna cuddle or play a game or watch something 🤔

Sarah: Watch something 😏😏

Yu xuan: And then?? What's with that look

Sarah: Let's watch porn 😏😏

Yu xuan: nini you not even drunk be serous

Sarah: Yes, I wanna watch porm

Yu xuan: Have you never watched porn before??

Sarah: I have now let's watch porm, babe

Yu xuan: Can we watch a movie ??

Sarah: Babe, i said pornnnnn

Yu xuan : nini quite playing its late for this

Sarah: So? Put on porn yu xuan. I wanna watch porn mna if you don't wanna watch go-to sleep 😴

Yu xuan: I'm not sleeping without you in the room

Sarah: Then let's watch porn 😏😏

Yu xuan: No

Sarah: 👀

Yu xuan: I'm Serous nini

Sarah: Hehe ok whatever

Yu xuan: If we do, it might not end well, that's why

Sarah: 😏😏😏

Yu xuan: tf did they put in your drink??

Sarah: Nothing. I just wanted to watch porn, but you don't want to, so it's fine. Let's play a game

Yu xuan: I'm sorry, nini, but you know why we can't

Sarah: Yeah, yeah

Yu xuan: What game do you wanna play??

Sarah: Truth or drink 🍸

Yu xuan: ok, you go first

Sarah: Have you cheated before ??

Yu xuan: 👀 Did you forget that you're my first gf ?? So no

Sarah: Oh shit 🌝🤣🤣sorry

Yu xuan: it's ok anyway, my turn. Have you ever musturbated before

Sarah: 🍸(drinks)

Yu xuan: 👀👀👀👀😭😭😭

Sarah: What??

Yu xuan: nothing

Sarah: Have you ever dreamed of you fcking me??

Yu xuan: Yes😩

Sarah: Damn how hard we're you fcking me 😩

Yu xuan: 🍸(drinks)

Sarah: Ah ah wena 😭😭🤣🤣🤣wild

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