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As she slowly regains consciousness, she realises she's in a confined space. The first thing she notices is the sensation of movement—an unsettling, rapid upward motion. 

The walls around her are made of cold, wire-like metal. It's almost as if she is in a cage.

It's dimly lit by a faint, flickering light that passes on the outside walls, casting eerie shadows around. There's a sense of enclosure, like the world has shrunk to this cramped, claustrophobic box.

Her heart pounds, and she feels a surge of panic. She scrambles to her feet, her hands running along the cold, wired walls, feeling the metal scrape against her fingertips. 

There's a low hum, the sound of machinery somewhere below, and she can feel the vibrations through her boots. It's like being trapped in an elevator that's racing toward the sky, only there's no emergency button to press. 

There is nothing to stop her from simply just crashing at the top. 

Flashes of memories come in and out of focus, but they're all hazy. Faces blur, their features indistinct. She tries to hold onto them to find some anchor, but they slip away like sand through her fingers.

 Names, places—they're all gone. All she has is this overwhelming sense of being uprooted, of being thrust into something unknown.

A surge of curiosity cuts through her fear. Where is she going? What's at the top of this ride? Why is she here? 

She paces the small space, trying to calm her racing thoughts. There's no escape, no way to slow down, and the anticipation is almost as nerve-wracking as the speed. 

The walls seem to close in, the pressure building with each passing second.

As the box rockets upward, she clutches at anything solid, seeking stability, but as nothing was in close proximity, she just tumbled forward onto the ground. Her hand scraped across the sharp metal corner of a box in the cage with her, inevitably leaving a large cut across her palm. 

A gasp of pain was all her lips allowed to come out, she could scream for help but imagine it was just a normal elevator and she just remembers it wrong, meaning all those people would hear her screams. 

‘That would be awkward.’ 

The curious part of her mind wanders about the purpose of this contraption—what could possibly be waiting at the end? But fear, heavy and oppressive, tugs her thoughts back into its grip.

She's scared but determined. The unknown looms, but so does the desire to understand, to find out who she is and why she's here. 

Her eyes scan the things around her until spotting three things, a small wooden pole, rope and a sharp knife. Her feet stumble towards them, still not used to the rapid moving cage. 

Quickly she snatched the knife out of the box and dug it into the top of the pole creating a break halfway at the top. 

‘Now the tricky part.’ 

She placed the knife's handle through a gap at the bottom of the cage making sure to keep the blade in the box. Using all her strength she slammed her foot down onto it over and over again until it broke. 

The handle flying back down into the dark abyss that she could only wonder about where that led. 

Once she had picked the blade up again being careful to not make her cut any worse she jammed the heel of the blade into the opening of the pole she had made earlier. 

Grabbing the rope she started wrapping it tightly around the pole making sure that the blade wouldn't fall out at first contact. 

Now she was ready for whatever situation she would find herself in. As the box slowly comes to a stop, she prepares herself for whatever lies ahead, bracing for the moment when she will find out what is actually above her. 

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