a confusing world

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Vexyl POV

As I rode my Sparrow towards the city, the landscape around me seemed both familiar and alien. The architecture had a strange mix of advanced technology and old-world charm, with towering buildings and bustling streets. Yet, there was an underlying tension in the air, as if the city itself was preparing for something.

Wisp floated beside me, scanning the surroundings. "Vexyl, I've accessed the local network. This place is called Vale. It's one of the four major kingdoms on this planet."

"Vale? Never heard of it," I muttered. "Any info on the local threats?"

"Yes, there are reports of creatures called Grimm. They're attracted to negative emotions and can be quite dangerous," Wisp replied. "But that's not all. There are also various powerful individuals known as Huntsmen and Huntresses who protect the people here."

"Great, more things to deal with," I said, my mind already racing with potential strategies. "Let's find a place to lay low and gather more information. We need to understand this world before we make any moves."

As I approached the city gates, I saw a group of people gathered. They looked like guards, armed and alert. I slowed down, knowing that my sudden appearance might cause a commotion.

"Who goes there?" one of the guards shouted, raising his weapon.

"I'm just a traveler," I said, raising my hands to show I meant no harm. "I've come a long way and mean no trouble. Just looking for some information."

The guards exchanged glances before one of them stepped forward. "Alright, but you'll have to come with us. We need to make sure you're not a threat."

"Fair enough," I replied, dismounting my Sparrow. "Lead the way."

As they escorted me through the city, I couldn't help but feel the eyes of the citizens on me. They were curious, wary, and perhaps even a little fearful. It was a feeling I was all too familiar with.

We soon arrived at a large, imposing building. The guard knocked on the door, and after a brief exchange, we were let inside. I was led to a room where a man with silver hair and glasses sat behind a desk, looking at me with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion.

"Welcome to Vale," he said, his voice calm but firm. "I am Professor Ozpin, headmaster of Beacon Academy. May I ask who you are and what brings you here?"

"just looking for information" i say trying to avoid his suspicious gaze 

"i see well were on very high alert because of a disturbance that was shown coming from the exact same direction you came from did you see anything that couldve caused it or someone" he sayd looking to me expectingly

"not that i can say" i say to him trying to avoid the question

"well i have suspicions to believe you do know theyres no known records of you even being in remnant ever and that vehicle you rode in on has no knows blueprints and nothing like it hasnt been seen in vale" he said accusingly 

"i like to stay off the grid" 

"if your not going to be honest then fine but mr vexyl id like to send you an invite to an open space to my academy"

"I don't really need to go to school and plus I think I'm too old for that"

"a huntsman academy it trains up the huntsman and huntresses to protect humanity against the Grimm"

"ill consider it" I say thinking about how it could be a good way to learn more about this strange place 

"well ill leave this for you once you've made up your mind" he says placing an envelope on the table 

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