To him

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November 15, 2022

I thought that if I talk to you again
I will be happy
I thought that if I let you enter my life again
I will be happy
I thought that if I love you this much
I will be happy
But I never have thought that this would be hard
And I am hurting

All I ever seek is your attention
All I ever ask is your presence
All I ever want is your love
But you can't give me all of that
All you ever did is to give me mixed signals
And to hurt me this much

I really know my worth
I know what I deserve
I know that I should not settle for less
But why do I want to beg just to get your attention?
Should I really do that and lost my self in the process?
Or should I just walk away like nothing happened?

Unspoken FeelingsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon