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“Remember Nichole, Wicked is good.” A woman's voice spoke to her. 

She felt a hand gently stroke a strand of her hair out her face. Normally this would be calming to anyone except for the fact that she was thrashing around trying to get away from the hands gripping onto her. 

Nichole felt herself get shoved into a container full of water with nothing to help her breath. Her hands reached out to the sides that were blurry from the water in her eyes until she found a window showing back into the room she was just in. 

She banged her fists against the window trying to scream but barely any noise came out her mouth. 

“It wasn't me!” She tried to shout but the water just muffled it. “It wasn't me!” 

“Remember Nichole, Wicked is good.” The woman in white repeated putting her hand on the window. 

Someone shook Nichole awake. Her eyes snapped open to see a too close face staring down at her, everything around them still shadowed by the darkness of the early morning. 

She opened her mouth to speak but a cold hand clamped down on it gripping it shut. Panic flared until she saw who it was. 

Her friend, Lizard. 

‘Friend.. Never thought I would call one of these boys that.’ 

“Shh. We don't wanna wake Minho now do we?” His thick accent filled her ears. 

Though Nichole was surprised, any alarm melted away immediately. She couldn't help but be curious about why he woke her up so early. 

Nichole nodded, doing her best to say yes with her eyes until Newt finally took his hand away then leaned back on his heels. 

“Come on, love. Time to make you an official Glader.” 

Any lingering haze of sleep had already vanished from her mind, “Okay.” She said simply, ready to follow. She quickly leaned over the hammock pulling on her boots. “Where are we going?” 

“Just follow me and stay close.” Newt gave her a small smile of comfort. 

They walked out the room leaving the snoring Minho in his hammock and quietly shutting the door behind them. She followed him down the stairs matching where he stepped not wanting to create a noise that would wake the others. 

When they walked outside Nichole felt a small breeze run around her in the darkness. There was a small light coming from the sun that was rising just above the walls for her to see. 

Newt didn't stop walking as he continued towards the forest in the corner of the glade. Nichole was hot on his heels, she didn't want to lose him in the forest. 

‘Who knows what is in there.’

Inside the forest there was an eerie silence surrounding them. The light that was falling upon the glade did not reach into the forest leaving them surrounded by the dark. 

A red light on a tree caught her attention and she stopped walking, not caring about losing Newt anymore. Nichole stepped closer to the tree seeing the slight outline of a beetle, its eyes replaced with the red lights. 

She looked at it curiously as her hand reached out towards it, the creature seemed just as interested in her as she was of it. Just before she touched it a hand yanked her arm away from it and the creature quickly scuttled away. 

“You don't want to touch them.” Newt’s hand was still holding onto her arm, “Unless you feel like being stabbed in the hand.” 

Nichole pulled her arm away from him as she turned to look at him, “What is it?” 

Inventing Love ♡Newt♡ Where stories live. Discover now