Looking For A Car

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When I took her hand, it was like I was holding to the back of a moving car,

it got me in my feet instantly. Going from the same door she launched the girl to she started to move faster than i could pick up still processing what just happened. the alley was dark only lit by the very lim light that emanated from the back of her helmet, some ears looking things floating around her head each with a small light that if I knew any better I would just say are tiny rockets that make the pieces float.

The shere silence that ocupated the alley was enough to make me hyper concious about everything, never before I would've noticed the very subtle sound of water flowing of the sewer on the other side of the street, I wouldn't have noticed the buzzing of the electric box on top of the light pole. And among all the foley of the alleyway, there was a sound that wasn't supposed to be there, a small ticking sound, like a very loud clock that repeated itself so fast, like sand falling, it was making me very nervous, so nervous, that when the person that save me touched my shoulder I jumped.

"this car will do I guess, get in"

I couldn't respond, the next thing I knew, I was being yammed into the co-pilot seat and she put the seat belt on me.

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The radio was playing, very faintly, but I was able to mildly remember what they were saying the radio host was talking specifically about AI and the big leaps in progess it has make during the past 7 to 9 years (very odd choice of number of years) and that tecnology evolution is in many ways like a snowball, the further we developed our capabilities to create and come up with new ways to make our lifes easier, the snowball grows bigger and goes faster <<like cellphones>> the host said. I can very clearly remember because during the ride I was hyperfocused to every sinlge movement, to every single sound.

"Did she hurted you?" She randomly asked. I took a pause of 2 seconds that felt like 4 hours and look at her side just to notice she was looking straight at me. Our eyes crossed and those greenish eyes, and in that moment they changed to a more golden yellow colour, along side her expression and demeanour, soon a gentle smile would start to form on her face and said "are you okay?" as if there was something wrong that she just couldn't make by herself. 

This intimate moment was taking place while at the same time she was driving to as fast as the car was capable of, but it seemed like she was completely focused on the road, driving straight like an arrow. 

"I'm okay....in the next red light you can drop me off i'll walk my way home thank you..." My first instinct was to be polite to my kidnapper , to I guess try to appeal to her sensible side, which I could tell she had. "I won't do that...." She said while suddenly broking line of sight with me and looking to the front again, her eyes turned greenish again. "Look I swear I don't know anything.... I don't have beef with you or the other girl. I-I......"Suddenlly I felt dizzy and I couldn't speak, like a baby. "I know that....but I can't just dropped you off, not now..... and probably ever" I am pretty sure my heart skipped a beat when she said that, I was cornered, I was trapped, she had me on a lock... I was... I am.....a prey to her. So I thought. 

"First off.... My name is Zentreya, I know what this looks like but I'm here for you..." Now this unique individual had a name. "Listen to me... youre in great danger and I'm to protect you from that danger...That girl you met, she is no human, she is...." She stopped talking, and her eyes got wide open, like if she just saw a ghost or more like, when a cat is getting ready to strike. Something was definetly wrong and I could tell now because the radio that was playing this whole time started to slowly die out. I didn't noticed at first, my brain had acknowledge the radio as white noise and put in the back of my head. But now it was static a static like if there every time louder and louder. I was weird because it was almost like I could make a voice, a faint voice behind all the static, not of the radio host, a more femenine one, I lean closer to pay attention. <<I got you>> I heard. What does it mean? it didn't took long before I  found out, the hand of Zentreya grabbed me by the neck while with the other janked the leaning leaver of my seat and force me to lay down, and a few micro seconds after that a long pointy object with some glowing vains coloured red comes down of the ceiling of the car and was pointing to my neck and as soon the object found out it didn't hit me it went back up. On the new whole on the ceiling I saw them, those same red eyes looking down at me, some drops of water fall on my face they evaporated almost instantly. My body was in emergency mode. 

"Drive! keep it straight" Zentreya said as she kicked the door open and with a siftly move she ended up in the hood of the car, she was quite heavy for how fast she could move. I move to the driver seat and close the door and continue driving, to add to the problem she managed to tail the rain and now it was on top of us. The visiblity was minimal and the weight of the two individuals fighting on top of the car was making me struggle keep the car straight. Nearing the state highway, it seemed like Zentreya's plan was to drive me off the city, why? where? I eaas starting to zone out in my own questions when a body dropped to the hood. It was those red eyes, it was that girl, but....something was wrong with her, her face was scared, looked like if both of her eyes where pulled out of their sockets, glowing bright red and without blinking. Her jaw was the most disturbing part, due to the lack of one, the rain was preventing me to fully tell details, but I could swear it looked a swarm of flies were forming around where her jaw should be. Horrified by the scene i didn't noticed the truck of logs in front of me, it seemed it was slowing down because i noticed we were going up a bridge that will soon connect to the state highway. When driving things happen so fast, you have to make decisions in a split of a second, I step on the breaks full stop, it almost made the car flip over due to the extra loose weight on top of it, I managed to not flip it, in exchange to crash to the security rails of the bridge. In what it was probably a fraction of the split of the second I had, I saw the red glaring body of zentreya clash to the woman in the hood, and tackle her, disappearing from my sight just as fast as she appeared. The airbag deploys and my head bounce back on the seat. I lost concious.

Clockwork Heart (Zentreya x you)Where stories live. Discover now