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All the keepers, Newt, Alby and Nick had the sticks with flames lighting up the bottom of them. They stood in a small circle around a large pile of wood in the shape of a cone. 

“Light ‘em up!” Alby shouted and everyone threw the sticks onto the wood. 

Immediately it lit up in flames blasting high into the air making the boys cheer even louder. Nick watched with smiles at how happy the boys got as soon as the celebration had started. 

“Welcome to the Glade Nick.” Alby said as he pulled her into a side hug. 

Newt grabbed her hand pulling her over to Minho and Newt, “You ready to party, love?” 

“Definitely.” She smirked at the two boys. 

The boys dragged her over to a small table that had jars on with a dark yellow liquid inside. 

‘Looks like piss.’ 

Minho picked up a jar for himself whilst Newt handed her one and took his own. 

“Here, put some hair on your-” Newt paused, “Never mind.” 

“What is it?” Nick swirled the drink around in the jar looking at it from the side, “It looks like piss.” 

“It’s Gally’s secret recipe.” Minho told her with a chuckle. “He calls it Moonshine.” 

“So it could be piss?” 

“Well let's hope not because it tastes nice.” Newt shook his head at the thought. 

Nick looked at the drink for a few more minutes before finally taking a large sip. It left a burning sensation down her throat and had a sour taste. When she pulled the jar away from her mouth she began coughing from the burning, Newt chuckled as he gently patted her back. 

‘Shouldn't have taken that big of a sip.’

“Surprisingly that was nice.” Nick managed to get out when she was finished with her coughing. 

“It gets even better when you're drunk.” A voice said from behind her. 

She spun around seeing Gally standing behind the table with a grumpy expression. 

“It's not piss by the way Gree-” 

“Nick, you can call me Nick.” 

Gally nodded, “Enjoy your bonfire Nick.” 

Minho and Newt started walking over to a log that had been placed down for seats. They sat with their backs against it and left enough space for Nick to join them in the middle. 

After her conversation with Gally she quickly joined them, keeping the jar of moonshine in her hand and taking small sips every now and then. 

“Lizard?” She looked at him to make sure he was listening, “Earlier you asked me if I had any questions. Well I thought of some.” 

“Ask away She-bean.” 

“Who was first in the glade? Was it Alby?” Nick winced as she took a large sip of Moonshine. 

“You are correct, love.” Newt placed his arm around the back of her on the log.

His other hand holding the jar of Moonshine was resting on the other side of him on the log. 

“So how long have you been here?” 

“This is our sixth month being here.” Minho told her. 

“But there are eleven of you? How does that work exactly?” Nick looked at the two boys confused. 

Inventing Love ♡Newt♡ Where stories live. Discover now