03: fucking hell

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»»———- MICAH -———-««

I groaned feeling the burn in my nostril but it felt good at the same time. I heard a pound on the door and I called out, "Who is it?" I placed my stash into the ceiling and I opened the door to my foster sister in a uniform matching mine

"How does it feel to have a first day of school line?" Blue asked pushing me aside to do her blue hair. "Spectacular, it's preparing me for this bullshit," I respond fixing my blazer uncomfortably

Since the school burned down, we were forced to join the spoiled freaks at the private school. They voluntarily gave us all uniforms for free, even allowing us to go to school for free

My parents are meth addicts and out of the three of us, I was the one who got away. I have been in and out of foster homes since I was 8 but I have stayed in this one since I was 14

I have two gay mothers who I tolerate and they tolerate me and I have a foster sister, who is called Jean but I call her blue due to the constant color of her hair. She has been with our mothers since she was born

Blue is 15 heading into sophomore year and I'm 17 going into my senior year

"Do you think we can hit up the pool afterschool?" She asked as we gather our stuff. I open my wallet and as we walk down the stairs together, I pull out forty dollars. "I have to see if the school will be open after school," I tell her

Since we are now combing with the private school, I don't know their policies. Blue loves to swim and I was the one who taught her how. I hate swimming because of the memories I get from it by my parents, but when I first came to the house and saw Blue struggling to swim, I mentioned that I could help her

Ever since we go swimming as much as possible and I help her train. "We have to go way more Micha, I have to figure out when is tryouts and we both know that these spoiled rich kids have unfortunate special talent," She rambles and I stopped listening to her making my way to Autumn

I handed the money to her and she smiles in thanks. My mother is in jail so every month i send her some money for whatever she needs but i wasn't able to pay it on time this month so I asked if she could pay it for me and I pay Autumn back

"Where's Sophie?" I ask for our other mother. Autumn kisses Blue on the head before answering me. "She got called into work early," She turn to me and kissed me on the cheek telling us bye before she head out the door for work

Sophie works at a insurance company and Autumn is a cardiosurgeon. So majoiry of the time they aren't even home but i was always used being home alone anyways

"Let's go, I can't be late for the first day of school," Blue snapped and I just follow along not feeling the need to speak. On the ride to school we listening to music Blue played and she lowered the music

"Micha?" She questions and keeping my eye on the road I raised my eyebrow. "Do you think it will be different this time? Well you know since it's old and new students?" She wonders and I turn to her feeling sick to my stomach

Blue tends to get bully a lot in school and since we our both in high school together, I could easily protect her. "I would never let anything happen to you," I stated and she rolls her eyes pulling down her skirt

"You always say that," She mumbled and I stare at her. "And when have I never not protect you?" She keeps quiet and we leave it at that. She changes the subject, "Did you know we have lunch together?" I shake my head no and listen to her ranting on the rest of the way at school

As soon as she stepped out the car there was a whistle that came from the Mockingjay. Blue smiles and completes the whistle before running up to Aneria, one of my closets friends

Aneria smiles twirling her around and i match the smirks on my best friends face. Amir and Zion

"I already feel hard seeing all these private school babes," Zion groans shifting his pants. Amir bust out laughing seeing me, "You look a mess." I scoff feeling like one in this uniform

"You guys look more a mess than I am," I shot back and Zion straightned his posture fixing his blazer, "Why thank you, I actually feel quite studious."

I felt hands on my back looking down at my side, seeing fingers flap like wings. I turn and ruffled Aneria's orange hair. "Hey blue," Zion flirts blowing a kiss at my sister. "Knock it off Zion, that's my sister," I push him and he rolls his eyes

"She's 15 Micha," Blue interrupts, "I'm about to be 16, which is the age you are." Zion ignores her, "And I'm about to be 17. I wouldn't go for her."

Amir shifts his backpack on his shoulder, "Shouldn't you be heading to class?" Out of all of us, I'm the oldest in my senior year and the rest of them are juniors besides Blue

"Yea, yea, I'll see yall at lunch," I told everyone and I turn to Blue lowering my voice. "If anyone messes with you, don't hesitate to text or call," She nods her head. "Yes dad," She jokes and I push her head before I started walking into the huge school feelings eyes on me

Annoyed with the amount of people staring at me, I kept walking trying to reach my backpack to get my walkman and before i turn back around, I crashed into something that made a 'oof' sound

"You asshole!"


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