Chapter 12: Overgrowth Part 3

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The shifting of rubble woke Erin from his unintentional nap.

"I've got someone over here!"

The piece of concrete on top of him was pulled away, and a flashlight was shone in his face.

"Sir are you okay?"

It was a firefighter. He grabbed Erin's hand and pulled him out of the small cave he was trapped in.

"We need to get you to a hospital sir."

Erin shook his head, "Nah, I'm..."

His head was spinning.

"Damn I got hit hard."

"That's why we need to get you to a hospital buddy, come on there's an ambulance offer here."

Erin looked down at his leg. His pants were shredded, and he could see the purple bruised skin around his femur. Surprisingly, he could walk. The leg wasn't as broken as before.

His outfit was decimated. No chance would he be able to run in it again. The jacket was missing an arm, and the other was literally hanging on by a few threads. The glasses in his goggles were broken, and he could see most of his helmet on the ground, completely split into pieces. The only part of his suit not destroyed was the foam lightning bolt that sat on his chest.

"Hypersonic is it?" The firefighter asked, "You have blood on your mouth, you could have some internal bleeding. We need to get you checked out."

Erin's eyes snapped to attention.

"Oh no, the flea market."

"Excuse me."

A flash of lightning marked his departure. Erin tore off his suit and stuffed it in his bag. His clothes were on in a split second and then, he was downtown. The sun had began to set on the city, and the streetlights cast the parking lot where the market had taken place in an orange glow. Sure enough, the place was nearly empty. A few people sat in a booth. The exact people he didn't want to see.

Elizabeth glared at him with the hatred of a thousand suns. He gulped in fear. He noticed her parents quickly climb into the car. Her grandpa watched from a few feet away.

"Liz listen I-"

Erin was cut off, "You said you would be here, I gave you a damn ride and you don't show?"

"There was an emergency-"

Elizabeth laughed angrily, "Oh is that why your face is covered in shit? Some office work you were up to!"

"I'm sorry."

"Sorry doesn't get you to my market booth dickhead!" She threw her arms up, "You could text you know! Tell me anytime that you can't come. Then I won't tell my parents that my current best friend is showing up!"

Erin felt his heart drop, "I'm your best friend?"

"You were, you were my only friend!"


"I don't know anymore," she grumbled. Liz turned around and walked toward her car.

Erin watched her drive away with sorrow in his face. Her parents quickly followed.

Hotrod walked up to him.

"You alright kid?"

Erin nodded. He felt some tears behind his eyes, but swallowed them as fast as he could.

"I'll be okay."

"You did the right thing," Hotrod patted him on the shoulder, "You saved a man's life today."

"At the cost of my friend's feelings."

Hotrod sighed, "I feel like one of those things is more important, even if you don't feel like it."

Erin nodded.

"Now take your shirt off."

Erin jumped in surprise at the statement.

"Excuse me?"

Hotrod rubbed his temples, "I'm a licensed EMT, I lived through a war, you just got thrown through a building, show me your injuries."

Erin reluctantly pulled his T-shirt off. The sight was not one many would enjoy to behold.

The ribs looked okay, but Erin's entire body was purple and blue. Small cuts and scars scraped along his abs.

"Jeez kid how much do you work out?"

"Not much," Erin sighed.

"Don't worry I had that too. Work a little bit and your muscles blow up like balloons," he touched one of the bloody cuts, "Doesn't look like we heal at the same speed though."

"What do you mean?"

Hotrod pulled a small knife out of his pocket and sliced his hand open. Erin gagged, but stopped when he noticed no blood was able to escape. The wound sealed itself up instantly.

"Looks like your healing factor isn't as strong, must be a sacrifice for the increased speed. You still have it, it's just not as efficient as mine."

Erin pulled his shirt back down, "Speed and healing factor doesn't matter with this guy. He can predict where I'm going."

"It's the roots."

Erin was confused, "What?"

"The roots he spreads on the ground are like nerves. When you step on them, he feels it instantly, faster than you can move. So he can predict where you're going and put an obstacle there to stop you."

"So just run in a different direction?"

"That might work," Hotrod remarked, "But if this guy is smart enough to figure out where you're going to go, I wouldn't rely on running a different way. You're going to get grabbed no matter what."

Erin threw his arms up in annoyance, "Then what am I supposed to do?"

Hotrod smiled, "I thought you would never ask."

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