chapter four

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"You've hardly eaten, are you alright, Bree?" My father's concerned voice breaks the silence in the dining room of his small apartment. I pushed the food around my plate with a sad smile. I thought that I would be able to keep the events of today from him but unfortunately, my father has always been able to see right through me.

After the events of this morning, I had driven straight to my father's apartment, in desperate need of family. I had been trying to avoid the subject for as long as possible but I knew that sooner or later, Dad needed to know. I made the decision to get it over and done with.

"I found them," I said in a small voice, meeting his gaze, "I found my mates."

He straightened in his chair as he eyed me with concern, "I take it that things went poorly."

I shook my head, squeezing my eyes closed, "It's such a cruel twist of fate."

"What is, sweetheart?" My father asked gently, "Whatever it is, you can tell me."

I bit my lip and looked down at my plate when I finally answered, "My mates are his children. They're the children of the man who destroyed our lives."

A look of devastation crossed his face and I shifted uncomfortably in my chair. Several seconds passed in silence and tears began to well in my eyes. I couldn't hear his thoughts since he had long ago learned how to close his mind, which had been a godsend to me. My father cleared his throat and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Fate has dealt you a bad hand, Bree, but only you can choose which cards to play."

Blinking back my tears, I let out a humorless laugh, "There is no choice! I cannot accept the mating bond with them but if I don't, my soul will forever be missing its other halves."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." He responded helplessly and I noticed tears begin to brim in his eyes. "I wish I could do something to help."

"It's an impossible situation, Dad," I said with a sad smile, "And your presence in my life is helping me plenty."

"Bree..." My father began hesitantly and I closed my eyes, knowing what he was about to suggest, "I know that you've declined the suggestion time and time again but-"

"Therapy won't undo the past." I cut him off and he smiled sadly.

"But maybe it will help you live in the present?"

My chair screeched across the hardwood floor as I abruptly stood and hurried out of the dining room. My father hurried to follow me, watching helplessly as I reached the front door and grabbed my coat from the coat rack. I let out a frustrated whimper as I struggled to quickly put it on.

"Bree, sweetheart, let me." My father said softly, lifting his hands to zip up my coat like he did when I was a child.

"I don't want to live in the present, Dad, I don't deserve to." I whispered, unable to keep the tears at bay any longer, "How come I get to live when they don't?"

"Fate works in cruel and mysterious ways," He replied, his eyes full of grief for his lost family, "But I am so grateful that you are still here, Bree. If I'd have lost you as well, I fear that I may have given up a long time ago. You keep me strong, sweetheart."

"You keep me strong too, Dad." I whispered, wrapping my arms around him in a tight embrace.

"When I came home that day and found you lying there, I thought that I had lost you too, Bree," His voice cracked as he spoke, gripping me tightly, "But the sound of your faint heartbeat was the most incredible sound I had ever heard. You are a survivor. Whatever the world throws at us, Bree, we will get through it together."

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