chapter one

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I could hear the witch plotting to kill me.

Sat in the corner of the library, I had been studying for my history exam when her loud thoughts invaded my mind. I didn't mean to overhear people's thoughts, in fact, most of the time I actively tried to block them out. Every now and then, however, somebody's thoughts are just too intense and I can't stop myself from hearing them.

I'll follow her into the car park... It's dark so nobody will see...

I discreetly peered around my shoulder, my eyes catching on the witch in question. Her thoughts were extremely loud, which I should probably be grateful for, since I now knew exactly how she planned on killing me. Unfortunately, I was yet to discover why.

I'd never seen the woman in my life. She was a lot older than me, seemingly in her late 40s, and had a face that I would have considered kind if not for the malicious thoughts circling through her mind. The corner of my lip turned upwards in mild amusement. This witch was clearly powerful, but her power meant nothing when she was unknowing airing her devious plots to me.

I'll snap her neck with my magic...

She sat on the other side of the library, a parenting book in hand, which she was clearly not reading. Her eyes were cold as they looked around the near empty room, meeting mine briefly. I hastily looked away and directed my attention back to the book I had been reading whilst I pondered on what I should do.

My first instinct was to call someone but the only person I knew was Dad, and I absolutely refused to put him in this situation. His mental health was fragile these days and I didn't want to worry him with something I was more than capable of handling.

My dad was one of the only things fueling my survival instinct; he wouldn't be able to survive losing another loved one. A part of me wanted to give in and let the witch carry out her malicious intent but a smaller, more determined part of me knew that I wasn't going down without a fight.

I'll leave her body for them to find...

That last thought sent shivers up my spine. I packed away my notepads and laptop into my rucksack and heaved it onto my shoulders. Picking up the heavy hardback I had been reading, I tucked it under my arm as I casually left the building. My heart pounded as I felt her eyes follow me.

I made my way into the vast car park and hastily jogged to my car. I cursed myself for parking so far away. I hoped that I made it to my car in time to drive away. If I didn't make it, I had no choice but to kill her. I knew she was close behind me because I couldn't hear her thoughts. She was otherwise completely silent.

My children will never get a chance to meet her...

My curiosity peaked and I frowned. What if killing the witch wasn't the best option? Maybe I needed to get some information out of her before I disposed of her. With that in mind, I whacked her over the head with the history book.

She fell to the ground unconscious and a shocked laugh escaped me; I was actually rather impressed with myself. My amusement faded when I realised that my car was still quite some distance away. After peering around the car park, triple checking that there was nobody around, I picked the witch up by her ankles and dragged her to my car.

Despite my supernatural strength, my breathing became shallow as I hauled the woman into the boot of my car. I stood there for a moment, leaning against my car as I caught my breath. I let out a nervous chuckle as I looked down at the closed boot of the car.

"Is it against the law to kidnap someone who tried to murder you?" I murmured to myself as I got in the car and started the ignition.

This was going to be a long night.


"Hey Dad!" I answered the phone as I sat on the couch, waiting for the witch to wake up. She was currently hogtied and gagged on the couch opposite the one I sat on. I took a sip of white wine as my eyes scanned the unconscious woman, as if I could get answers just by looking at her.

"Hey Pumpkin," Dad said through the phone, his voice kind and welcoming, "Just calling to check that you're still alright for dinner tomorrow."

"Of course, I'll be there." I answered, "You're cooking risotto, right?"

"Of course, only the best for my little girl!" Dad replied and I grinned, "What are you up to this evening? You mentioned something about going out with your friends."

"Yeah, I canceled that." I said and I could almost feel my Dad's disappointment through the phone, "I wasn't feeling up to it. I went to the library instead, I want to make sure I'm prepared for the upcoming exam!"

Dad let out a long sigh, "I think you're more than prepared for that exam, Pumpkin. I don't want to nag you but I think that going out with your friends would be really good for you!"

"I will!" I defended myself, "As I said, I just wasn't feeling up to it today."

"I just want you to be happy." Dad said slowly and I let out a shaky sigh.

"I'm as happy as I can be given the circumstances." I said, taking a sip of wine.

"Drinking wine alone whilst watching soap operas isn't happiness, Bree."

"Speak for yourself, Dad, I'm having a great time!" I muttered.

"Alright then, Pumpkin, I'll leave you to it." Dad said after a moment, "But this conversation isn't over! I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Dad."

I hung up the phone to find the witch scowling at me. She let out an indistinguishable sound as she struggled to get free of the ropes. The movement caused her to roll off the couch and land on the hardwood floor with a thud.

"Well, hello there," I said, plastering a smile on my face, "I believe you and I have much to discuss." I bent down and pulled the material free of her mouth so that she could talk. "First things first, why the fuck do you want me dead?"

She looked up at me with hatred in her eyes, "Because you are an abomination."

"Ouch!" I said with mock hurt in my tone, "I'm an abomination because I'm a werewolf?"

"You're an abomination because you're mated to my children." She corrected me for a moment and I froze, hope filling me.

Mates were absolutely sacred to my pack. Not all of us found ours but those of us who did cherished them. Some were lucky to have more than one mate; my friend Serena had three and they all lived together in absolutely bliss. I had envied their happiness for quite some time but now, I had a possibility of meeting my own mates. Maybe they would be the ones to heal my broken mind.

"You know who my mates are?" I whispered, joy evident in my words.

The witch scoffed, "You foolish girl. Being connected to my children is nothing to be happy about."

"Dial down the judgment, Witchy." I drawled, "Now answer me this: who are you? Who are my mates?"

"My name is Esther Mikaelson and your mates are my children."

Originally published: June 27th 2024

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