chapter seven

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I sat frozen in the kitchen as I listened to Kol converse with his brother in the hallway. They spoke in hushed tones and I couldn't make out any specific words. After learning that it was Finn, I was less inclined to hide. Instead, my heart pounded as I waited to finally be introduced.

My fingers tapped a rhythm on the kitchen table as I attempted to keep my breathing steady. Finn was the only mate that I hadn't yet met and I didn't exactly have the best track record when it came to meeting my mates. Out of all the introductions, the only one that went well was the one with Kol.

I jolted when I felt something tap against my foot. Looking underneath the table, I spotted Sidney, who had climbed onto my foot and was now attempting to climb up my leg. She must have escaped her pen again. Despite the anxiety that flooded through me, I smiled. Reaching down, I picked up the tortoise and placed her on my lap. I stroked her shell as I heard movement in the hallway.

I held my breath as Kol walked into the kitchen, quickly followed by his eldest brother. Finn leant against the kitchen counter, putting the distance of the kitchen between us. When he finally looked at me, his eyes softened and his lips tilted up in a hesitant smile.

"Hello, Kresley," he greeted me, "I'm Finn."

Unable to form words, I smiled shyly, looking at Kol for support. He gave me a reassuring nod, smiling warmly when he spotted Sidney sitting on my lap. I continued to stoke the shell, the action soothing me as I finally opened my mouth to speak to my mate.

"I'm Kresley," I said before squeezing my eyes shut in embarrassment, "But you already know that."

Finn smiled softly, "It's lovely to meet you, Kresley. I'm so sorry for showing up out of the blue, I was unaware that you were here."

I winced, "I'm sorry."

"What on earth are you sorry about?" He asked, looking between me and Kol in genuine confusion.

"About everything, I guess," I said with a shrug, "I'm sorry that it took us this long to meet."

Finn shook his head with a smile, "I am a patient man. I could have waited another century if that was what it took."

Kol paced over to me and took the seat beside me, holding his hand out for Sidney to sniff, "Sidney has a new favorite person, brother."

Finn's eyes sparkled when he spotted the tortoise on my lap, "Sidney is capable of loving more than one person, Kol."

I slowly managed to relax as I listened to the brothers tease each other about who the tortoise loved more. I eventually settled into the comfortable atmosphere in the room and noticing the change, Finn came to sit at the table. I eventually stopped nervously stroking Sidney's shell and lifted her onto the table. I smiled as I watched Finn fawn over her like a proud uncle.

"I've been teaching Kresley how to use her magic. She's doing a really great job so far." Kol said conversationally. I had a feeling that it was more for my benefit than for Finn's.

I huffed, "So far I've been failing."

"You haven't failed until you give up." Finn advised and his brother nodded in agreement, "Some things just take time. When I I was first undaggered, I struggled immensely to get used to the modern world but now I am functioning rather well. I got my driver's license last month."

Kol snorted in amusement, "Only you would get a driving license."

Finn shot him a look, "And I am appalled that you haven't got one yet! Those tests are in place for a reason."

Kol rolled his eyes playfully, "Such a stickler for the rules."

"Finn has a point." I said with a grin, causing his face to fall comically and Finn's eyes lit up with victory, "Don't you frequently get stopped?"

Kol nodded, "Yes, but I just compel them."

"Surely that's an inconvenience," I shook my head in amusement, "And what happens if the officer is on vervain?"

"Then I shall charm my way out of it!" Kol declared and both Finn and I cackled with laughter.

"So, Kresley, are you staying here?" Finn asked me when our laughter subsided.

I nodded, "Yes, it seemed convenient whilst Kol teaches me to control my magic."

"When you are comfortable with it, you and Kol will have to come and visit me at my place." Finn suggested, "And Sidney is invited as well, of course."

I smiled warmly, "That sounds nice."

"Are you joining us for dinner, Finn?" Kol asked and my heart sank when he shook his head.

"I'm afraid I am just passing through," He replied, "I have a... meeting."

I raised an eyebrow at Finn's supposed meeting. On one hand, I understood that we weren't close enough for him to tell me everything but at the same time, it hurt that he was lying to me. What if he was meeting up with a woman? Jealousy that I had no right feeling flooded through me. What if he had moved on without even having met me? I shrunk in my seat and fiddled with the hem of my skirt.

Kol nodded with a knowing look, "Maybe next time then."

A feeling of dread pooled in my stomach and I began to feel queasy. I shakily stood and two pairs of eyes were instantly drawn to the action. I gave them what I hoped was a reassuring smile as I said, "I'm feeling a little bit tired so I'm going to rest. It was nice to meet you, Finn."

Before anyone could reply, I quickly scampered out of the room and hurried up the stairs, my heart pounding with the adrenaline of my quick exit. When I made it to my room, I closed the door behind my and collapsed onto the bed. Despite what I'd told them, I wasn't the least bit tired.

Magic drummed at my fingertips and I pushed it back down. All my magic ever did was hurt people. I let myself wonder for a second what my life would have been like if I had been born human. Maybe I wouldn't have run away from my mates? Maybe I even would have sought them out. But there was no point wondering. This was how my life was and I needed to find a way to deal with it.

When Kol came to my door an hour later with Sidney, I gave him a sad smile.

"Kresley, I'm so sorry if that was all too much for you." He said with a swallow as he placed Sidney in her pen. He then settled down on the edge of the bed and watched me with a concerned look. "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, Kol. I just..." I shook my head as I trailed off, squeezing my eyes closed to prevent the tears that threatened to fall.

Kol placed a careful hand on my knee, "What can I do to help?"

"What was Finn's meeting?" I asked and Kol looked away, "He was lying about it."

Kol looked back at me with a sad smile, "He lied because he didn't know whether or not you would be okay knowing the truth."

"And what is the truth?"

"He's going to meet with Rebekah."

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